Lowe and Morales

So dissapointed that they set up a romantic arc between Lowe and Morales. He's 51 and she's 30, come on. I'd like to see network TV try that with genders switched, the age difference would then suddenly become the crux of the arc!

I like the show but this disappoints me.


He's 51

Is his character?

she's 30

Is her character?


I hope that their characters are meant to be at least 15 years apart, if not 21. Because otherwise the show's casting directors would be guilty of the Bollywood Syndrome (a problem that presents itself in every stupid Indian movie, when 45 year old men play 30 year olds and romance 24 year old women who pretend to be a few years older because actually 'old' actresses who've hit 30 have all but signed a death warrant on their careers) ... and seriously, nothing can be worse than that.

I've got a remote and I'm not afraid to use it.


No one cares.


Evidently you cared, you took the time to post . Irony .


On TV series when two attractive people meet and are forced to work together, you supposed to take that as sexual tension instead of hostility as in real life.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else



You are nucking futs. Natalie Morales is totally hot and the best thing about The Grinder.

Janet! Donkeys!



Her nose is awful.


Her nose got run over by a steam roller. Her face looks deformed.


Sorry. The Cubs might not win any World Series, but that Chicago guy is right about Natalie Morales. She is a disgusting looking woman and I use the word woman very loosely.


Morales looks good to me. Maybe not to the braying donkeys on TMZ who label women as "smoking hot." Women who wouldn't wipe their shoe on any of them.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else




Yeah, I cringed a little bit as well. But in a weird, holding-a-mirror-up-to-society-way, it makes complete sense. He's a handsome, charismatic and famous actor, and she's a razor sharp and gorgeous lawyer. *Cough Amal Clooney Cough*

I've got a remote and I'm not afraid to use it.


Morales is ugly. That nose looks like it has been hit at least a dozen times.


They've kind of set up the opposite of a romantic arc.

Lowe is confused at why Morales won't sleep with him, even though it doesn't seem like he actually has much interest in her. Morales is repulsed by the fact that Lowe thinks she should sleep with him just because he was on a TV show.

I think it works. I'd be disappointed if they did have a romantic arc, just because it would be too conventional.


It would totally ruin the show if there are ever any sparks between Morales and Lowe.

Janet! Donkeys!


They totally ruined "The Big Bang Theory" with Lenny and Penny. I see your point.


She's really hard on the eyes (just my opinion). I REALLY hope she won't be on the show long term, even though it seems she will be.

Books and movies are apples and oranges. They're both delicious, but they don't taste the same.


You should watch something else if your view of what makes a beautiful woman is so narrow.

Janet! Donkeys!


Calling her ugly does not make his view point narrow.
But your reply clearly proves that you are an obsessed freak. Does it make you made when we call your dream girl ugly.


Because she's not my type, makes me narrow-minded? The fact I don't find her attractive isn't the only reason I don't want her to continue on the show... It's annoying that a show with good potential has to fall into stupid stereotypes of introducing a man and woman, have them fight and be enemies, then have one magical night and fall in love. That's clearly where the show is going. If it's not, thank goodness. But I'm 99% sure it will.

Books and movies are apples and oranges. They're both delicious, but they don't taste the same.


You didn't say "she's not my type." You said "she's hard on the eyes."

I don't blame you a bit for backtracking.

Janet! Donkeys!


Yes, followed by "just my opinion". I haven't backtracked. You're just an obsessed fanboy.

Books and movies are apples and oranges. They're both delicious, but they don't taste the same.


You are correct. I think she is very homely as well. More importantly as you pointed out they went the route of other shows, or at least seeming to go there. It is a shame because in the age of mimicked shows and all the reality garbage, I think they have something very innovative and different here and they are blowing it. Too bad actually. Like you , I hope I am wrong and they switch gears. Look at how "The Big Bang Theory" got ruined by matching Penny and Lenny.


I think the point is that Morales doesn't find Lowe's character attractive (granted, I've only seen 8 episodes). She's not under his spell like many in the town are.
