The dumbest bit...

Nic the deaf guy walking round with a radio and then being told over the radio to go thru the chained up zombies, then has the radio up to his ear while running

Sorry but lip reading a radio is OTT



Nic's answered that, he said that when he had it, it was like a giant hearing aide.


If you are deaf, and born deaf as he is, then the biggest hearing aid in the world isn't suddenly going to make you hear again.
You could be screaming down a megaphone and you will hear squat



You can tell he's not completely deaf because he's got a good speech pattern, if you're completely deaf there's not much chance you can speak as clearly as Nic does.


He said something along the lines he had lots of learning, plus he does actually speak like someone who is deaf - the way he talks and his pronunciation, some words are duller
Plus there were several times people were calling him and talking to him but he was oblivious to it


That's because he is deaf. He's just not completely deaf. Hearing comes in levels, just like eyesight, it doesn't just jump from perfect to nothing.

Just because he could use a hearing aid to help him hear doesn't mean he has to. A lot of people choose to be deaf rather than use hearing aids.

Look, he has stated himself that he could hear using the radio as a hearing aid, and that he could hear Aston screaming, so clearly, by his own admission he is not completely deaf. Are you seriously trying to argue that you know more about Nic's level of hearing than Nic does?


Nic himself also states in episode 8 that he could hear Aston screaming from the next room when he was killed, so he obviously isn't completely deaf.



I'm actually lost - are you guys saying he is not deaf??? WTF!

Nic is definitely deaf, if you have questions about his hearing then I suggest you ask him rather than make such ridic comments.


Original poster is saying he wouldn't be able to hear the radio because he's deaf, we're pointing out What Nic has already said, j.e the radio acted like a giant hearing aide and that he could hear Aston screaming, we're not saying he isn't deaf but that he is not 100% deaf and can make out some noise.
We're just going on what Nic has said.


Nobody is saying he is not deaf, clearly he is, but the OP is trying to argue that EVERYBODY who is born deaf will not be able to hear, even with aids (and is therefore questioning how he heard the radio). Anyone who paid attention in biology at school should know that this simply not true, even without Nic himself pointing it out.

It's pretty obvious from both watching Nic and from what he says that he can hear, to some degree using a hearing aid, he just chooses not to use one on a day to day basis. I can completely understand this- with a hearing level as low as Nic's, a hearing aid will only serve as a massive sensory overload- completely useless in everyday life- useful however if he needs to hear important, life or death info over a radio.

To be honest, I'm lost too. The OP asked a question then tries to argue it when it's answered by actually quoting Nic himself!


Also, when I use the words 'completely deaf', I'm going on the premise of the OP- ie that being born deaf cannot be corrected or helped with aids; I'm only using those words to make it clear what I am talking about. I don't know Nic, so he may well be 'completely deaf' without aids. My agrument is purely due to this claim, not Nic's case specifically.


Just sloppy writing, like everything else about this series. It could have been awesome, not it kinda sucked, and not in the good way...
