Is Thor in it?




Nope, the little girl's hero in this one is Jailor Swift, a roller derby player. Somebody please shoot me in the face.


The character the little girl mistakes for Thor in the original film was Dawson, who ran a body shop and fixed the station wagon for Elisabeth Shue and her charges. He was a young man with long blond hair, wearing an outfit that made the girl mistake him for the comic book character.
In this film, Dawson is the stocky, middle-aged woman who tows off the SUV while the kids are in the pawn shop looking for the boy who snuck out to go to the concert. The door of her tow truck said, "Dawson's Towing" - you could see it briefly in the scene where they're pleading with her as she tows the SUV away. But you have to be quick - it's only visible for a few seconds!


So ...there's no Thor..but a minor blink and you'll miss it moment for geeks to write entire paragraphs about how awesome they are for having spotted something nobody with a life gives a flying f about..check


So ...there's no Thor..but a minor blink and you'll miss it moment for geeks to write entire paragraphs about how awesome they are for having spotted something nobody with a life gives a flying f about..check

Obi-wan Kenobi: "Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"

Who is more geeky, the geek who takes the trouble to write something geeky about a subject he cares about or the geek who takes the trouble to write about how geeky the other geek is to care about it?


This a movie geek website, people can write what they want lol


In this film, Dawson is the stocky, middle-aged woman who tows off the SUV while the kids are in the pawn shop looking for the boy who snuck out to go to the concert.

Or just the towing company she worked for. Don't forget that she said her name was "Trixie." Maybe Dawson is her surname, and maybe it isn't.

If you also recall, "Hansome" John Pruitt also towed for Dawson. He also drove a bigger tow truck for a station wagon, while Trixie drove a small tow truck towing a full-size SUV.

Pruitt's truck:

Trixie's truck:

As far as "Thor" goes, somebody already mentioned that the "Thor" in this movie was "Jailer Swift." She kind of looks like an older Miranda May.

