Obvious masturbation joke

Does anyone else think that line should've been edited out?

"Do you know what I was doing when i was 7?"



Who said it and in response to what?

Katy was looking at Lola's nails and told her she needed a manicure.
Lola asked Katy how old she was, since 7 is a little young to be worrying about something like nails.


Child: You know a professional manicure could do your hands wonders.
Lola: (annoyed) How old are you?
Child: Seven.
Lola: (bragging) You wanna know what I was doing with my hands when I was seven?
Jenny: (interrupting) No, and she doesn't want to!


Masturbation is actually common in toddlers on up. Humans play with their bits.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


So I'm not the only one then


I thought she was referring to picking her nose lol


I also made a post about this.



I don't know what she meant, it I doubt she meant anything "dirty" by it. She probably meant something like normal kid stuff.


Hey, what about Jenny mentioning that she was exhausted from her date night with Zack? Am I the only one here who thinks they were doing thing with each other that aren't exactly recommended in DCOM's?


