MovieChat Forums > Code Black (2015) Discussion > S1 vs S2, huge difference

S1 vs S2, huge difference

I feel like Season 2 is showing me just how much make-up can Marcia Gay Harden's face take and how much the doctors can butt into people's personal lives and counsel them. I feel like Season 1 had a minimal amount of that... wtf happened? and why did Neal and Krista get let off?

I'm not good with the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?



No one really understands why they cut Neal and Christa, this is what the producer said about the subject...

The show this year is no better then last year, the ratings are going down and it is even closer to being cancelled then last year ...


Ignoring Neal and Christa... that's the least of the problem here... I don't seem to remember Marcia Gay Harden with a ton of make up on her face... also - they've changed the show's dynamic... it used to be a new medical drama, cases came in and went out ... it was about the doctors and their lives and how they deal with the patients. Niw its about a half hour story of a random patient, then the doctors offer advice, whether it's solicited or not...



I do not know where you are getting you information from but last year the show was always over 1 point in the rating with most of the time over 1.2, this year it is barley hitting one on a good day. It was granted 3 episode which is less then a full season that was talked about before the beginning of the season and it is less then 5 that it was granted last year ( as you said so your self shows that are likely to be canceled are given less episodes 3 is less then a full season or 5 episodes extension that is was given last year ) ...

Even spoiler tv has put in in the likely to be canceled column when last year it was in the undecided column just shy of the likely to be renewed column.


When Code Black was given 3 more episodes on November 16th its ratings were: "CODE BLACK is averaging 7.94 million viewers, 2.1/06 in adults 25-54 and 1.5/05 in adults 18-49."

Unless my count is off the 3 additional episodes brings the number of episodes up to 16 which is only 2 less than the number of episodes in season 1.



I do not know where you got the information from maybe that is last years ratings ...
This year code black did not have over 7 million viewers ...
On November 16th its ratings were: 5.68 million viewers, 1.4 in adults 25-54, 0.5 in adults 18-34 and 0.9 in adults 18-49 that is from spoiler tv .

So it means it is doing worse if it is given less episodes then last year, and last year it was a bubble show when it had better ratings then this year.


My information came from the November 16th article that was posted on SpoilerTV. It is from the news release by CBS.


I do not know which numbers CBS used they might have used the L+3 or L+7 numbers, because those the not the live numbers for the the week or the average for that month.
as you can see in the link they never got over 7 million viewers on live tv .


SpoilerTv does not write any original material, they either get their articles from Dealine, or they use rating information from TVByTheNumbers.

I agree that right now TBTN is showing Code Black in danger of being cancelled, but at least it is not in the same category as Pure Genius, which is being labeled as a Dead Show Walking. The show that is in bigger danger than CB is Elementary.

CBS has wanted a medical series for a long time, for which they had high hopes with Pure Genius. It is hard to tell what will happen with Code Black. A lot will depend upon how successful the mid-year replacements are.

The article that I quoted from about the stats supporting 3 additional episodes came from a Deadline article that SpoilerTV posted on their website.

While you are being critical about sources, just use TBTN, they get theirs directly from Nielsen.

TVSeriesfinale is a fair source, but it doesn't take into consideration DVR, +3 and +7 adjusted figures. Those figures are critical in determining a true picture with TV series. COMCAST now does a 100% sample which they provide to Nielsen. Those figures don't show until the following week (+7).


SpoilerTv take it's numbers from the Nielsen's like the rest of the site..
I agree that CB is not in the same category as Pure Genius but it is doing worse then last year, and last year it was a bubble show and no one knew if it was going to be renewed till the last minute.

The article you quoted used a quote from CBS about the ratings and it is unclear to which ratings they were referring to, but it does not comply with the live ratings on any of the sites.
Although +3 and +7 adjusted figures are important they are not as important as the live ratings since the live rating are important commercial wise and is still the figure most networks use to sell commercial time.

CBS might decide they really want a medical show in the end and renew code black anyway or they might have a package deal with ABC studios , but objectively speaking code black is doing worse in all the numbers if you compare it to last year.



You are the moron ....
The internet is a big place and not every site is reliable, and you have to understand what you read the source you gave did not give any ratings and only said it got 4.4 million viewers which is really bad for a show. They were given less episodes then the full run they thought they had at the beginning of the year and LESS EPISODES THEN LAST YEAR.
You are the IDIOT if you think the show is doing better when all the signs point the opposite.
spoiler TV is guessing but they are doing that according to the ratings although a network can decide to renew a show even though the ratings are doing bad, I am not sure that will be the case this year.



Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


S1 was good.
S2 is *beep*

Totally different show.

