MovieChat Forums > Code Black (2015) Discussion > This show makes me cry almost every epis...

This show makes me cry almost every episode!

I'm a 39 year old man, 6ft 4", 115kgs. I'm straight - not that that makes any difference - but EVERY episode of this show, I find myself tearing up!
I don't cry easily at all, but this show has a very good technique at tugging at the heartstrings. Families being brought into surgery all half dead, mother screaming and hoping her kids are okay!
It really rattles me this show does.
Brilliant though. Not House M.D brilliant, but still very good.


I will be 49 years old in a few months- am a war veteran- was a firefighter/paramedic for many years and have seen so much death and heartbreak, and this show makes me into a blubbering idiot most episodes- so I am with you.


It's got a great way of tugging your heartstrings without knowing the characters all that well.

My dad spent 3 months in intensive care, so all hospital things where people are in distress get me.
Great show.


I haven't cried yet, but many episodes hit right to the core and leaves a big impression on you. If you watch other medical dramas like House for e.g (which I love as well btw) you'll see a large part of the series focuses on the main casts or Grey's Anatomy which solely focuses on the main casts. It's the opposite in Code Black, a large portion of each episode focuses on patients, their family and their medical condition whilst developing the main casts. The writers do a great job at that.

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...


Yeah I noticed that very early on! That we only learn snippets of the drs, and the stories often don't revolve around them. So when Staff get killed, it's shocking, but you're not really emotionally attached to them.

The one that stuck out in my mind, was the one where a family is brought in. They'd been involved in a home invasion, and the boy had jumped from the top floor and dragged himself to get help. And when they brought the gurneys in, the mother and father were trying to look to see if their son was okay.

But on many occasions, I've shed a tear over this show. It just appeared in the UK, no advertising, but I caught it, and after watching the first 2 episodes, I was hooked.

It's a million miles from House MD, but that's like CSI with medicine, and House is basically Sherlock Holmes. In fact he even lives at 221B.


But they develop steadily even through snippets, which is its strongest suit. Like Mario, who was a loner during the start, disliked by all the other residents. Now they are good friends.

My favourite episode so far would be the one where Leanne visits the prison to forgive the drunken driver who caused the deaths of her husband and kid. Marcia's acting really came through. But I've liked almost every episode so far, sometimes they do go overboard (like the recent Russian submarine episode) though.

I got hooked from the first episode lol I was skeptical before watching it though because the recent medical shows have all been dud (Chicago Med for e.g), but as I've always been a fan of Marcia, she pulled me in.

Yeah. House is procedural. Code Black is a fast paced medical drama.

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...


Yeah that's true. I've got a good enough knowledge of who the staff are.
I'm notoriously bad at names, but the female in charge of A&E? I'm yet to fully uncover her backstory. Something to do with a crash? Losing her kid?
Yes, very different from House, but I was gripped from episode 1.

I was literally addicted to House. I used to buy the box sets on DVD, and kill entire weekends watching it.


"A&E"? lol

House was my addiction once upon a time as well. I liked the way character interactions went in House. Very compelling repartee between them.

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...


Goddamn autocorrect on this app is a nightmare. Plus when you punctuate, it stays on the symbols page, it doesn't revert back to the keyboard.
I've often written out a post, then seen afterwards that it's mostly nonsense. lol.


I am interested in knowing what you meant to say. Did you mean A&E? Whatever you meant, is that a character in the show or an actress in this show or something else? You have a real cliff-hanger, I hope there is a second season.


lol, no.
In the uk, A&E stands for Accident & Emergency.
I think in the US, it's just called "Emergency"?

So no, I don't know of any spoilers, but I think there'll be another series.... that's if they stop killing off the characters.


One thing that makes the show special is that it seems realistic and the good and the bad could all be real stories. I don't get the feeling that they are using cheap tricks to manipulate our emotions.


I just started watching this show a couple weeks ago. Tonight killed me with Dr. Dixon and the baby. I couldn't stop crying. Seems real enough to me. Ugh. 😭



Tonight's show exploded my brain. I was just lying there on the couch, watching in awe.

By the end, I, too, was a teary-eyed blubbering idiot. LOL.

SKYBIRD, this is DROPKICK with a RED DASH ALPHA message in two parts. BREAK. BREAK.


This week's episode 13 had me crying at the end. WOW, blew my mind, what a awesome episode. Man, just awesome.



Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


I know, right?
I make sure the tissues are near by now.
