MovieChat Forums > Code Black (2015) Discussion > Am I wrong to want a little more of thei...

Am I wrong to want a little more of their personal life in this show...

I know they give us scenes away from the hospital every once in a while, but I would like to see more. I would like to know what Leanne goes homes too. Is her children's room exactly the same as when they were last there. Is her house a dump because she never goes home at all. Are bills stacked up, the lights off because she forgot to pay the bill. Is someone helping her with the house, a mom, sister, and tired of picking up the slack. Does she even stay in the same home? Does Mario have a roommate? Does Mama have a wife or husband at home. What makes him so inspirational and cheery all the time. Who does Heather go home too. I don't know. Maybe I am trying to turn this into Grey's Anatomy but I just wish we could get maybe every other episode where we see them away from the hospital. Not the whole episode of course. Maybe five minutes or so of the show. I think it fleshes out the characters more if we get a chance to see them outside their work environment. It's the main reason why I can not connect to anyone outside of Leanne and maybe Ethan. I like all the characters but they are just there, doing their jobs, with a family member or past lover popping up every now and again to explain their past. I know most people who work in the hospital are there more hours then they are at home. Still, you can't have a family emergency every time you want to give backstory to a character. It gets redundant after a while. JMO.


I saw Boris Kodjoe( Dr. Campbell ) on The Talk and he said we would find out he has a special needs daughter . I don't know how exactly but it would help see him in a different way.

I don't have a problem with not seeing any of the home life but I wouldn't mind seeing something of it .


I hope we get to see it and she doesn't just pop up at the hospital for some reason. I guess for me I like the medical stuff but I want a little bit of romance and drama that has nothing to do with what's going on in the emergency room. I feel like we get more love stories from the patients then we do the main characters.


I don't want them to show the characters personal life excessively. That's Grey's Anatomy, 90% sex talk and sex drama, 10% medicine. Either way, CB is about how they work in a medical setting and their interactions with each other in this setting, taking that away would go against what the show is about. Yes, they've gone outside Angel's before but all of those situations was when there was a medical emergency as well, except for one time with Leanne during the end of the first season but that was justified.

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...


Well, that's the thing. I don't want it to be excessive either. It's a medical drama and I get that but still everything can't happen in the hospital when you want to add in the character's personal life. I am not talking about a whole episode devoted to it. Maybe five minutes at the most and again not every episode but much more then what we are getting now. I want scenes like if when Mama finally goes homes, as soon as he spends time with his family, he gets a call and he has to rush back to the ER. Is he on the verge of a divorce because he's never home? Does it affect his work that day because he got into an argument at home? Does he put on that same smile and walk around being just as optimistic as he always is and ignore the difficulties he's having between separating work family from real family. I would have actually liked to see Angus deal with his drug addiction then to have to hear about it like it was an after thought. I would have liked to see Mario deal with getting stung with the infected needle. Or what happened to the girl Malaya got into the car with when we discovered she was gay last year? Was that some random girl out of many because as sweet as Malaya is, she's not the settling down type anymore. Is it because of a bad relationship with the pregnant ex, because she is too career focused. Is it both. I guess I am more interested in the development of the characters at this point because we have an idea of who they are as medical professionals working in the ER. I'm tired of hearing how bad Mario's life was and the only time we get to see it, is when his father comes to visit the hospital with a crisis.


When did Mayalia get in a car with a girl? What episode was that?


I can't remember what episode it was. I think Mario was flirting with her that day and she got in a car at the end of the episode and kissed a girl. It was before they brought in the pregnant ex with cancer.


Hmm...I'm gonna go rewatch those early episodes now....


They really didn't make much of it from what I remember. I think it was only done to confirm that she was gay. Then suddenly the pregnant ex popped up and I'm like what happened to the other girl?


It's episode 3...but yeah, what on earth did happen to her?


And there lies my only problem with this show. lol What happened? Maybe this year they will do a better job. I'm hoping for a little more romance, a little more personal drama, and I will be a happy camper. Leanne and Ethan. Mario and Charlotte. Angus and somebody. Kean and Malaya. I know this is such a girly thing to say but Mario's too cute to not have a decent love story. I hated him with Heather, so there's that. lol


Fair enough. About the rushed wrap-up of season one, I believe the writers did that because back then the fate of the show wasn't set. It was a toss-up so I guess they didn't want to leave fans hanging, hence came up with a compromise.

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...



Thank you, chungmusic, for saying that Grey's Anatomy has developed into a show without much anatomy other than sex. I am not against sex, I watch the most explicit kind that is possible, but I want less sex and more medical in Grey's Anatomy. Those Grey's Anatomy people don't do romance, just sex.


@ chungmusic - Nicely expressed comment and I agree with it.

I believe another person commented on the fact that we do see personal and romantic issues, but those of patients not the staff at Angels. I agree and I support the writing that gives us these scenes. The patients come from backgrounds where many of them work the typical 40 hour week, they have weekends off and they learn to play during those times. On that rare occasion when medical personnel have time off that's longer than a few hours that need to be devoted to sleep and then eating, they are usually studying new inventions, medicines, procedures - researching so they can perfect their knowledge and skills. You can't give your entire being to a job like that and have much energy or even interest in how clean your house is or do you have lingerie properly cared for so you can indulge in a relaxed, drawn out sexual encounter. These are folks looking for at least a semi-private quickie and that is not the stuff that romance is made of!

I'm not at all surprised that we don't see more backstories of the lives of medical personnel outside the hospital. The young doctors are completely invested in becoming experienced doctors and that's the way it is and probably should be when you consider the heavy responsibilities they bear. I worked in a similar field - 16 hour shifts were the norm, you made life and death decisions and the responsibility we had to assume was massive - but it was a life that I loved even though exhaustion was my only constant companion. We often worked with medical personnel as we were often involved with the same people and I usually came away from those situations thinking how good it was that we interacted with people in a completely different profession, but we shared many of the important opinions that formed our personalities and more than anything - we loved a good sense of humor and sought out opportunities to share a tension relieving belly-laugh even if it was often about very dark humor.

For whatever reasons - abusive childhoods, childhoods built more on loss than love, extreme shyness - many people drawn to some professions prefer a more structured professional life with clear boundaries. a clear understanding of what is right and what is wrong and a strong sense of purpose rather than a more care-free life seeking enjoyment that is built more on personal relationships. Even now, people who don't know me well find themselves concerned that I can spend long weeks or even months with only my dogs for companionship. They don't realize how much more social I am than ever before just because of the internet and the ability to communicate with others.

Just so no one misunderstands and might think that I'm saying professionals who are consumed by their jobs, especially those who find their satisfaction in life in being able to serve/help others/strangers are somehow better or more noble than the ordinary Joe or Jane who lives for weekends and holidays. I don't believe that at all because I've seen heroes emerge from those same Joes/Janes - I see them sacrifice all they have and all they are for their families or their friends and those opportunities usually present themselves out of the blue, leaving no time for real preparation or even contemplation. Yes, I love and admire many of the people who live lives like the ER staff at Angel's Memorial, but it really takes my breath away and leaves me in awe when I see that "ordinary" citizen act in such an extraordinary manner when normally they would even describe themselves as lacking courage.

Anyway, these folks from the ER on Code Black don't really consider their backstories that often nor do they care to use time and energy on much of anything that's not somehow related to their job. If the writers are going to continue to portray a necessary honesty in the lives of Leanne, Will, Willis, Dixon, etc. you'll need to look to the patients for the romantic tales. We've already been introduced to the backstories of many of the medical personnel, but it's usually related in either flashbacks or just verbally shared with another person - I don't think we're going to see lengthy segments shot outside the hospital in either present time or the past - at least I hope we don't because that's not what this series has been about thus far.

This was a really good subject to use as a thread and I thank tammack4423 for starting this thread that has allowed so many interesting opinions to be expressed.

Shauna & Ms. Phoebe, my God-given Happy Therapy Pup (even at 12-years of age!)


I've been trying to find a more medical, less soap-opera show for ages. Jed Mercurio's Bodies and Critical are excellent, concentrating on the medical drama rather than (for me) boring 'relationship problems' that are, by this stage, far too familiar. So I'm going to watch Code Black for the first time now and hope it's as empty of backstory as you lament. Grey's Anatomy is all about relationships, so I'm sure you're getting your fix of 'personal life' there.


Different strokes for different folks. I watch Greys as I mentioned in the first post. Yes, you will love Code Black because it hardly focuses on the personal life outside of what they discuss in the hospital.


I think the point of Code Black is to only show the medical side and not the Grey's Anatomy drama stuff.


It is wrong to imply it is wrong. It is a matter of preference or something like that, not a matter of right or wrong.

I sure hope that Code Black does not degrade into a Grey's Anatomy format. Grey's Anatomy began with more medicine but the producers and writers seem to have less medical material and substituted it with the other stuff. I have been loyal to the show but I feel cheated. I am frustrated that there is so much sex and that instead of romance they used violence. Specifically, they should have had more romance between Dr. Alex Karev and Dr. Jo Wilson instead of the felony committed by Dr. Alex Karev.

Adding more of the doctor's social life to Code Black would open the door to the show degrading like Grey's Anatomy did. I hope that does not happen. I hope Code Black has enough material of the type it was created to have to keep it going and if it runs out then it should take a break until there is enough material.

The Season 2, Episode 11 ("Exodus") show had Dr. Kelly Pruitt (Meg Steedle). At the end of the episode a regular character asked her if she would have Coffee with him and she said Tea. I don't know if that will happen but that is what it takes to get Dr. Kelly Pruitt on the show as a regular doctor then that would be good since I like Meg Steedle. Otherwise I hope there is very little of that in Code Black. If they must do romance then I hope they do romance real good and Meg Steedle is the best for that.


@ Sam-953-169285

Thank you for your thoughtful and well-written comment. You have also expressed most of my feelings regarding this issue as it relates to Code Black and saved me the time and energy of writing this out. The only difference that a comment from me might have expressed is that, in my opinion, there are many matters of simple right and wrong issues in life even though that's not a popular opinion to hold in these days when so many out-spoken folks believe they have some right to specify what is right and what is wrong. I believe that I've had enough life experience and personal research to know that this popular opinion fails over the long run. Sometimes things are just, ". . . a matter of preference or something like that . . ." (choice of fashion, color of walls in your home, hairstyles you choose), but when you mistake the really important issues that are based upon absolute right and absolute wrong for personal preference, too often people, even peripheral people who had nothing to do with the decision, are the ones to seriously suffer.

Again, thanks for expressing my feelings so well about the matter of sex and especially sexual violence being mistaken or substituted for romance - really sad and a horrible example to set for young people who are trying to develop their own opinions, yet it's seen far too often in our entertainment industry. I also find it frustrating to see sex inserted into entertainment when there's no relevant reason to do so. It starts to make if seem as if we're animal-like and live too much of our lives based upon nothing but our sexual responses and too often there are no consequences shown for thinking that way. Heavens, I thought it was confusing and difficult to be a teen back in the dark ages of the 1960's - tee hee hee!

Although, I have to say, my empathy for what was happening to fellow citizens in our country and my desire to find a way to be helpful and supportive regarding civil rights ended up being a good outlet for many of my emotions and helped me learn how to ignore my feelings and concentrate on those whose lives were so VERY hurtful, dangerous and difficult. It also provided a safe barrier that prevented me from getting lost in the drug use, rioting, dangerous experimenting and other nonsense that revolved around the free love, never trust anyone over 30 and overthrow the government (preferably through terrorism) folks.

Shauna & Ms. Phoebe, my God-given Happy Therapy Pup (even at 12-years of age!)


Thank you, shaunaruss. You are probably older than I but only a few years at most. My teen years began at the end of the sixties.

It is very unfortunate that so few people understand how to solve problems. Television and movies provide so many excellent examples of the wrong way to do things. There is an abundance of people trying to make other people behave the way they think they should and many people resist and the resistance causes problems too. I think that "Politically Correct" is often a matter of people trying to make other people behave the way they think they should. Is any of that relevant to what you say about "mistake the really important issues that are based upon absolute right and absolute wrong for personal preference"?

As for sex, I am a guy that looks at the most explicit sex that could possibly be made. It is not a matter of thinking sex is wrong, it is a matter of producers and writers using sex when they are incapable of producing and writing the many other things in life that the world needs positive and useful examples of.

The world (especially "Hollywood") is very confused about love and romance. It is as if there is a world-wide conspiracy to confuse us. I think the world is desperate for good examples, I don't understand why it is not happening.

I think Code Black is doing good by making the stories mostly about medicine and health issues. What the world needs is another health show about mental health that shows mental problems and solutions as realistically as Code Black. Producers and writers probably think a show like that would be boring, but the truth is that society is starving for that.


I respectfully disagree. I do not want to see their lives outside of the hospital. I really don't think TV needs another soap opera...

House and Gibbs are my role models!!!
