what part bugged me

After they have cleaned up from the first break in and they are spending the first night sleeping in their house again, the mom finds the orange juice open and on the counter. And then the husband says "well I guess someone came down and drank it." (insinuating his kids did it.)
This drove me crazy. Your house has just been broken in too, food eaten, your home basically violated. you know you didn't do it, but don't ask the kids if they did it and don't seem too worried and seem skeptical that anyone else would do it?
"maybe he broke into our house for juice?" he says this sarcastically and non-chalantly.
I would totally have called the police and asked for friends to come over or the police and check for bugs/video/a way they are getting in. Have someone outside watching the house. something!


If you call the police for a jug of juice on the counter, you run the risk of having them never believing a call again from you, not to mention getting into serious trouble for using an emergency service for your own amusement. You could probably get into a lot of trouble for that.

Found Footage Movies I Have Seen: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls059758083/


thhey just got their house broken into, i'm sure the police would understand and even search the house

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners



Yeah, I did find them to be a bit nonchalant about several things like the OJ and also the vase. If I or my daughter moved or hid my wife's vase, there would be unrest in our house until somebody produced it and once she saw that neither of us were lying, she'd put 2 and 2 together.

Mainly if my house was broken into though, and I had an interior entrance to the attic as they did, I would have the police check it out immediately when I saw nothing was stolen from the living area.

But I guess it's easy say these things now that I know the end result.


You missed the line the husband said which made perfect sense. He hugged and kissed his wife and said
"Honey, no one broke into our house to drink orange juice..."
Which is exactly how a rational person would think. Even if you had just been broken in to. It still makes no sense. You have to think logically


What are you, five years old? No rational person would think like that, especially occurring not long after their house had been broken into and ransacked. In a big city like Los Angeles where home invasions are common and where even low income residents are forced to spend a huge amount of cash on home security, even a jug of orange juice that no one remembers leaving out on the counter becomes a big deal. If anything, the husband's dissmissive response was unrealistic, as was his continual obliviousness to the fact that a serial killer was living in their attic. And of course, that obliviousness gets him killed in the end.

The biggest problem that I had with this movie was that the cops at the beginning were hopelessly incompetent. Granted, the LAPD, like most American police seem to excel at shooting and killing unarmed individuals, particularly of the darker skinned persuasion, but I doubt in real life they would be as braindead as those two. The serial killer has obviously been active for awhile and the police would definitely know about him and his modus operandi, yet the two idiot cops don't notice anything unusual about their attic or that someone has built themselves a hiding place in there? Even the husband so mentally defective he doesn't know his own house and that there is something very much amiss in his attic?

Terrible movie and script, through and through.


Overreact much? I don't think you have to call me a five year old to make your point. You're obviously smarter than the average imdb poster (I can tell by your complete sentences and lack of grammatical errors) so I don't think you need to name call to make a point.
Granted I live in a quiet suburb and not a big city. But I stand by my thought process.
What makes more sense? Someone broke into your house, completely bypassing the security system, to JUST take a sip of orange juice, or one of the kids left out the orange juice and forgot to put it back?
I believe that's how most rational thinking adults think. Not five year olds.


Your thought process is on point. No one would ever jump to the conclusion that someone was living in their home over orange juice being left out.


The OJ thing didn't bother me & even if their house was just broken into, what person is going to freak out over finding the OJ left on the counter? Any person would just normally assume it was one of the kids because that's what kids do. They leave things out & never pick up their mess. That's why the husband was so nonchalant about it. The vase missing is something they were a little nonchalant about.

Although it did piss me off that everyone kept drinking the OJ without even shaking it.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"
