Sleeping together?

Why on earth did George and his father sleep together? Explain it (effectively) or leave it out altogether, people. It felt like a major red herring.


Did they mention how many bedrooms were in the house? If there was three I think the father thinks George is guilty of the crimes.IF there was two bedrooms then father doesn't want the sister and George sharing a bedroom just in case something happens between them.


I dont think it's mentioned in the film, but it is in the book. the youngest sister is sickly when she is a child, and it is decided that she will sleep in the mother's room (the parents had separate rooms). Tha would leave George and his younger brother Horace (who I dont think appears in the film) in the "nursery", and the parents decide that George should be moved in with his father leaving Horace to have the "nursery" room to himself. When the children are young adults, Horace moves away, and George assumes he will move back into the "nursery", but his father tells him that as his sister's health is improved, she will get the single room and he will remain with his father. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through the book but it hasnt yet been mentioned why the door was kept locked.


People who sleepwalked then had no choice but to lock the door locked at night to keep them in the bedroom safe from harm. I have yet to read the book so I've no idea whether this point is relevant.

It was also a method of birth control. A man who slept in his son's room couldn't impregnate his wife...

Great white sharks are attracted to death metal music.


Thanks for the input, folks!


I read somewhere that Arthur Conan Doyle alleged that someone alleged they had an incestuous relationship. Seriously. That person denies such a thing and claimed Sir Arthur misrepresented himself.
