Oil In North Dakota?

Since when has ND been an oil producing state? Pretty hard to drill for oil in the winter when it is 20 below zero and 10 feet of snow.


Pretty hard to drill for oil in the winter when it is 20 below zero and 10 feet of snow.

Not really. If they can drill the North Slope and Siberia (and they do) drilling North Dakota is a cake walk.


I live in sd. There's been an oil boom in nd for quite some time.


Since 2006. It's currently #2 oil producing state behind Texas. Just google it.


And the show has been pretty accurate on how expensive housing has gotten because of it - prices rival that of NYC, some may even more expensive. Although I have heard that the Oil boom in ND is starting to go bust......


Yes, OPEC over-production combined with weak demand is starting to really kill off high cost US oil production.


G...O...O...G...L..E Bakken oil field
