MovieChat Forums > The Real O'Neals (2016) Discussion > A 12 year old girl discussing Grindr?

A 12 year old girl discussing Grindr?

The straight brother wanting to watch gay gangbang porn to help Kenny find his identity?
This show is too obsessed with a gay kid's sexuality like no other family sitcoms are obsessed with the sexuality of straight kids. They need to tone that down and give the brother and sister their own storylines if they want the show to have a chance to become another Goldbergs


Being gay is old news. Where's the gender fluid folks?


Who cares?


Firstly, she is 14.
And trust me, 14 year olds are very much aware of a lot of stuff that would blow the minds of most adults. Kids this age are online, looking at porn, are using dating and hookup apps, even though they are not supposed to, they are aware of what happens outside of ABC Family shows.

That being said, I agree, for the show to succeed, they need to centre less on Kenny and more on the family as a whole. In the pilot, each character had their own flaws, which were all dropped to focus on Kenny and his angst as a gay teen.

I applaud this show for having a gay character under the age of 21, but feel that it would be more effective if he blended into the show more, than being the show-pony he is.


the show is made by people from LGBT associations.. sooooo that's quite normal it's about the sexuality of the "new gay"..
