MovieChat Forums > The Real O'Neals (2016) Discussion > Catholics don't talk like this

Catholics don't talk like this

The show should be set in the south(not Chicago)and they should be Baptists.

Irish Catholics don't talk about going to hell or constantly talking about God.


When you're an angry atheist making a show to lampoon your childhood, reality isn't exactly a priority.


Well at least make it funny, this is awful.

Now "Shameless" on the other hand which is also about Irish Catholics in Chicago is very funny and sharp. Why? Because being Catholic is in the background, again Catholics don't walk around talking about going to hell and God all the time.


I grew up in a Roman Catholic home, and cannot remember a single instance of being threatened with the prospect of going to hell.


Maybe you were zoned out when they were talking about that.


Y'all must have been Catholic Lite...

Growing up I heard that shet all the time. All. The. Time.


I'm from NY and have an Italian background ..... my mom always said "Well, do what you want - it's between you and God."



I thought sitcoms were supposed to be funny?


And I thought funny was suppose to be relative. If you dont find it funny move on to a different show. Some of us like it.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy"


I agree, I grew up Catholic, and was looking forward to this show, UT the whole thing was very inauthentic. It made me wonder if the writers had ever even met a Catholic. If you want something authentic, The Jim Gaffigan show is much better.


Yep, this show is awful. It's so silly I seriously thought it took place in the 70s or 80s when the pilot first started. Then I saw the iPads.

Long ago men competed on a show to date a woman who competed on a show to date Flava Flav.


That's kinda the point, the mother is over-the-top religious, it wouldn't be as funny if they were normal.


Irish Catholics don't talk about going to hell or constantly talking about God.

Growing up in areas with Irish, Italian, German, and Slavic Roman Catholics, and me being a former Roman Catholic I'm pretty sure many do.


Maybe 100 years ago, but certainly not today.


You've never been to Scranton or Boston then.


Some do, some don't. It really depends on the degree of religiousness of each family. One thing is for sure, according to Catholic teaching, hell is real and eternal.


This show is anti-religion... so it will do whatever it can to make religion, in this case Catholicism, look bad.


News flash: It doesn't need any help to look bad.
