Agenda-Laden, Anti-Male

This show is the type of dangerously ungrounded agenda-laced junk that messes with impressionable peoples' heads.

1. The various valid criticisms I've read here about the campy stereotypical way they have the gay character acting. Appears harmless on the surface but it perpetuates a stereotype of gay males as being weak, highly effete human beings.

2. Showing the father having zero issues with being an indentured wage slave for the entire family for the privilege of living in an unfinished basement later the garage in a frigid city like Chicago nonetheless. This isn't remotely real world or even an ideal world. Nobody would be happy with that situation, male or female, in particular the type of personality that becomes a police officer. This father is obediently marching to the slaughter of his own masculinity in plain sight of his children. His dreams of familial bliss were crushed and he takes it without emotion.

3. The moral of the story: the most passive subservient male gets the sex. It's the most effete male who is the only male shown to be getting any sex.




Oh, please.


This isn't remotely real world or even an ideal world.

Since when is a situation comedy "remotely real world"? Comedies are designed to make you laugh, nothing more.
