
did I just watch?

There needs to be more posts on this film. I'm very interested to know what others thought about this mindfu--.

This one really leaves you scratching your head. It truly is a mind bender.

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


If you liked this, you should check out Queen of Earth.. It's the film Always Shine basically remade..


Oh ok. Will do. Thanks for the recommendation, trombleykyle!

I love a good psychological thriller.

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


It's a very low budget, but kept ne enthralled to say the least..


Looks like Anna killed Beth and "took over" her personality. That's how I saw it.


Why did that dude who picked up the real Beth think Anna was the same person though? He saw her clearly. It doesn't add up and I was really enjoying the film until ending. I normally like ambiguous stuff too.

Also how come the police don't find Anna when they get Beth's body? It's frustrating.


They have similar looks and it was getting dark when he picked her up. She has longer hair which could shadow her face and she seemed to run out of the car when he dropped her off, so I don't think they interacted too much.

Anna fell asleep in the woods and was coming down the hill when she saw the police. My guess is she was 5 minutes from being arrested as soon as they saw her on the hill or if she walked down to her aunt's house.


Anna fell asleep in the woods and was coming down the hill when she saw the police. My guess is she was 5 minutes from being arrested as soon as they saw her on the hill or if she walked down to her aunt's house

That would explain the tears. She realized what she had done. What superb acting from both of these women.

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


To me it feels like there is only one person of Anna/Beth with dual personality. The Beth personality chooses the crappy movies to help her pay bills while Anna is more choosy and unsuccessful and hence one doesn't like the other.

Which also explains why the guy who picked Anna up thought she was Beth. I guess this also explains why Anna wakes up in the forest alone after the 2nd murder scene but there is no sign of blood, cut, injury or Beth's body (But there is also a thud sound of one of them falling over from the balcony before the 1st murder scene but immediately we see two of them running towards the forest - this could lead to a different explanation).

Also during the 2nd murder scene we see Beth murdering Anna and telling "Big *beep* Hollywood *beep* and"Fake *beep* Crocodile Tears", disproving her choice of career (which is what Beth chooses not Anna) and Anna told those exact words to Beth earlier. Then there is also a shot of Clapperboard (might be symbolic, but I am not sure what that is) and it seems the position of Beth/Anna murdering each other switches in-between.

After the first murder the roles swap, so Beth personality might have taken over Anna and hence why she goes with quiet monk guy.

This movie reminded me much of Mulholland Drive and Persona.

Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon, doesn't mean we all have !


Okay then what explains both Beth and Anna interacting with characters and they acknowledge both of them? Like the short film guy, dude in restaurant, woman who wants picture etc. Neither theory adds up to me and it's frustrating.


Well wait, though. Because when Anna gets aggressive with the guy by the fire, Beth is sitting their quietly watching them talk. She says nothing except she needs to be excused, right? Later he approaches Beth and Anna simply watches the interaction, never confronting it.

Similarly is the scene with the short film guy. She talks, Beth stands there quietly.

It does kind of fall apart though with the autograph woman... Hmmm.

This movie thoroughly confused me and not in the fun way.


This movie thoroughly confused me and not in the fun way.

I tend to agree. There are just so many variables. With that said, the interaction between them was so intense at times it was uncomfortable to watch. Like the scene when Anna reads her lines in a "sassy" manner to Beth. That was like whoa!

A more defined ending would have been great, hence my original post. Still, I found myself drawn into the story.

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination..."


Well, I have to think that I watch a whole different movie. 'Cause to me it was clear from the beginning that Beth was unsatisfied with her career choices.
When, at the bar, she finished to phone her boyfriend and starts flirting with the guy that -she knows- Anna likes. Plus Beth hides to Anna some key data that would help her to improve her acting job.
Beth hears Anna's crying painful in the night and she's not doing anything. And why she get out of the bearded guy's car in such rush? And made up such a story to her boyfriend on the phone about Anna bullying on her?
Finally it was evident that Beth built for Anna a brilliant picture of she being succesful (the magazine, the script she brags on her friend) but we the viewers know it's untrue.


Let's not forget how Beth "conveniently" forgets her shampoo and asks Anna to get it in the same bag which has Beth featured on the front cover of a magazine.


Right! Beth was jealous of Anna, that was obvious from the start.


There was only ever really one actress. At least, that's what I started thinking after she put on the other actresses dress.

Not sure what the last scene was supposed to signify. Probably just the writer wanting to mess with people's minds some more but with no real meaning. I thought maybe she had killed herself or something but who knows what it was supposed to signify.
