MovieChat Forums > Always Shine (2016) Discussion > My take on the film (spoiler)

My take on the film (spoiler)

The characters Beth and Anna are reversed and it is not until after Anna dies are we the viewer shown this. When Beth wakes the next day we see her dressing in Anna's attire and seeing Anna work out on the porch with same attire that Beth had previous worn. It's here that I believe that it was really Anna who was the sassy character and Beth the more reserved. Beth projecting her ambitions of wanting to be more like Anna made us the the viewer see her like this. With Anna dead the illusion is dropped.

It was really the sassy Anna who attacked Beth that night concluding with Beth killing her in self defence/retaliation. We see this when Beth enters the woods and remembers the events of what occurred.

Any thoughts?


I definitely agree with this for the most part. Overall though, do you think that their personalities were just switched (with the Anna we know actually being more timid, but still a less successful actress as she was for most of the film) or that their roles entirely were switched in the reality of the film (with Anna actually being the more successful, but demure actress we believed Beth to be the whole time)? Either way, I really enjoyed the film.


The second one. Beth is really the timid character but we initially see her for how she wanted to be in Anna's image.
