Color me shocked

I'm so over this piece of hsit show, I really am. I knew this entire pregnancy thing was total BS when they showed in the promo the nurse coming into the exam room and announcing the "good news" based on exactly the same pregnancy test Whitney had been using at home. And no one goes around telling everyone they're pregnant until a doctor has actually confirmed it. And I'm sure "Lennie" (an anagram of his real name -- Nathan Lee -- with the word "lie" added, I kid you not) was in on the whole thing. I find this kind of programming so disgusting, and so offensive. The point of this show was supposed to be Whitney providing inspiration, right? So what is it she's supposed to be inspiring with this nonsense? A generation of bad liars? Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.


They forgot they're the learning channel TLC., not VH1!
I feel bad for anyone that has this condition and looks to
her. She's entertaining, for sure, again it's the learning channel
I guess ppl are learning what


I said in another thread that has since been deleted that it was clearly scripted. The pregnancy, naked massage and kissing the female friend were all done because there is nothing interesting about Whitney's life. The show started with the premise that Whitney was a champion for living her life to the fullest and being healthy despite being obese, but she did recognize she needed to lose weight. I thought we were going to watch a positive role model as she began her weight loss journey and absolutely was on board with the idea that she shouldn't be fat shamed for trying to remain active and happy as she made her weight loss attempt. By season 2 she decided she didn't need to lose weight and even said she as happy the way she is, so what is the point of the show now? We are just watching the not particularly interesting life of a random woman. A spoiled, whiny entitled woman. There is no reason for TLC to continue airing this mess and I admit I am only watching at this point because it's such a train wreck.

The scripted scenes are comical seeing as they are all such bad actors. I never believed Lennie was Whitney's boyfriend but had no idea he was using a fake name. Where did you find this out Patricia? I also never believed the radio station guy liked her, it was just added into last years script and it was so awkward this season when he said he's had a girlfriend all along. Whitney trying to act shocked and hurt was laughable, she is the worst actor of them all.

FYI - You can buy positive pregnancy tests on Craigslist. I remember reading a news story about how pregnant women sell them to women trying to trap / keep their boyfriends.
