So here we were, ready to enjoy a thrilling depiction of a true story.. with a 9.0 on imdb, wow!

Poor dialogue, bad acting, the plot started off as interesting but seemed to lose more and more momentum as the movie progressed. Especially since for a movie called 'airlift' you'd expect some of it to revolve around the suspense and logistics of getting all those people on their planes or something, instead of making that the conclusion of the film. In fact much of the movie revolves around him trying to plan boat journeys which we know won't work since the movie.. is called AIRLIFT.

And don't get me started on the music. I guess it's an important part of Indian cinema, but this really doesn't work in what is supposed to be a serious and captivating movie. It totally undercuts the tone of what is happening. It got more and more cheesy and inappropriate. By the time we got to the last few songs (which I guess were supposed to indicate the emotional climax of the movie) we were in fits of laughter, half expecting the cast to break out in choreographed dance moves.


One more sadistic spotted. Problems with the rating 9.0, just sleep over it.


'sadistic'? lol. I'm just giving a fair warning to anyone who hasn't seen in yet. I doubt very much that this will stay anywhere near 9.0.


When the number of votes will increase automatically the rating goes down.


The mission itself was called Airlift before they've planned to make this movie.


I totally agree to what you said. I too was disappointed by how the movie progressed. Started well with a tense atmosphere but failed to build up. I was expecting to see a glimpse of the hardship faced by the people and the final evacuation. I wanted it to be as technical as possible, showing every single detail, as they did in Argo.

Few dialogues were good, like Nimrat's outburst. But that's about it. They focused too much on song and dance sequences and celebrations. It looked like they didn't have anything to fear at all in the camp and were having some sort of a picnic.

Bollywood really needs to gear up and take a turn towards facts and technical details, deviating from sappy songs and celebrations.


Yes that's a good way of putting it- too little focus on the people who were supposedly in danger. And if you inject more of the details that you'd run into in these situations, that makes it a lot more captivating for the viewer. Argo is a very different film, but a great example to make this point.

About Nimrat's outburst though- it's curious that you mention that, because that's one of scenes where I remember thinking 'nobody speaks like this in real life'. The emotional charge was very appropriate, but it just didn't feel.. realistic. I don't know, maybe that is a cultural thing.
