MovieChat Forums > Life in Pieces (2015) Discussion > I have seen an early screening of the sh...

I have seen an early screening of the show

I watched the Pilot at the Paley Center with a packed audience and everyone was in hysterics from beginning to end. The format of the show is, I believe, really original since it's divided between four short stories that thus far aren't connected outside of having the same family members showing up. I wouldn't be surprised if the series receives strong critical approval and word of mouth. Out of every show that was screened, it was in the top three and from the reaction of the audience it sounded like they would agree.


Good to hear, I am eager to check it out tn


With this typical bad fare as 'must see TV' I gladly flipped over to 'Stargate' on the HDNET channel.

BOHICA America!


Only got half way through. Don't think that I am missing much


Hysterics? I find that hard to believe.


You should have seen my dad when he was watching this.


Would watching your father be more entertaining?

BOHICA America!


/\ The crowd that I was with absolutely loved it. We watched the rest of the new fall sitcoms as well and 'Life In Pieces' did have the audience laughing from beginning to end.
