Colin Hanks segment

The story line with Colin Hanks' character had me laughing out loud. Aspects of pregnancy and childbirth never brought forth in a sitcom.

I've never given birth, but the whole pooping while pushing makes sense. Just one of those things that doesn't get mentioned on TV which is what made it funny.

But the bit about the doctor telling her not to look at her coochie for 6 weeks! And when she did. Someone hands you a box and tells you not to look, you look. I looked at my box!

Has anyone ever had a doctor recommend putting a frozen surgical glove filled with ice Inside the vagina? Any time you put ice on an injury, open or closed, you don't put the ice directly on the skin to avoid tissue damage. Any of you birth mothers ever have this recommended?. I can see putting an ice pack on the lower region. If I use an ice pack I usually have at least a t-shirt or cotton weave between my skin and the ice pack.


When the nurse suggested that, my eyes widened in horror. Could NOT believe that.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.


I burst out laughing when Zoe Lister said down there looked like when "The Predator" took off the mask.

You Will Give Them An Ideal To Strive Towards


I know! Especially because I came across that very scene from Predator twice recently while scrolling through channels.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


That's what I love about Life In Pieces. It's not safe and it does go to the more crude places of life, family, and growing up. Life itself is crude. This show would fit right in with the crowd on Showtime and that's what is really exciting about it.


Uhhh...Stiles, clearly you're a plant. You've systematically gone through and stated the same drivel on each negative posting about this GOD AWFUL show. CBS cannot get it right and this was just garbage, which is sad because I love LOVE Colin Hanks and Zoe Lister Jones is pretty hilarious too. The other story lines were terrible and while I love Jordan Peele, he was also terrible in this. Not the right role for him, which is a bummer. The chick playing the gf - Angelique Cabral - her acting was also atrocious.. Agree that it had potential but agree with the overwhelming number of comments on these boards that it didn't do it.

...just no.


I'm not a plant, but you have proven yourself to be an egotistical troll.

Egotistical troll - the kind that goes to every message board screaming "I hate this, so everyone who likes it is lying to themselves." Because if someone doesn't agree with them, a conspiracy absolutely must exist.

Actually, the comments on this board are split right down the middle. Some absolutely hate it (with surprisingly saying nothing else - one person who keeps on posting how they hated it let it slip that they didn't even see the Pilot episode despite acting to the contrary) while others love it. I haven't taken a total tally, but it does seem even and split with it being rare for one person to be in the middle.


Nah, I actually have rarely posted on boards. That was my first post on here!! I was motivated to create an account bc I found this show so terrible and then reading the boards it seems most people agree...but talk about an egotistical troll. You visited almost every thread to post about how "amazing and unique" this show is. Let's circle back once this garbage is canceled in a few weeks. Happy Tuesday.


Wow. So you started a membership purely to rant about how much you hated something, to call people excited about it plants and phonies and you don't see yourself as egotistical. That's one thing I absolutely never see on IMDB before. Why don't you get up, go outside and instead of devoting your time to something you hate - devote it to something you like instead rather than trying to bring others down with you. But, something just tells me instead you'll prove to us how so not like an internet troll you really are rather than going out to enjoy your life. Would I be correct?


It's a bad show and I felt impassioned about just how bad. I'm sure you're a very lovely person! I find it funny that you keep responding if you have such an amazing life outside.

I will respectfully take my leave from this sad thread now....enjoy spending the rest of your day online - something tells me you won't be able to resist responding to this! Can't wait.


Lol no, I never got that advice. Just a donut pillow.  You are supposed to have some sort of barrier between you and something like that though, but I'd imagine that would feel pretty good. Wish I'd thought of it twenty years ago!

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