MovieChat Forums > Life in Pieces (2015) Discussion > This looks like it will be fantastic.

This looks like it will be fantastic.

I'm definitely watching this. Adding to my watchlist right now.


Looks terrible


Looks like it'll be cancelled. CBS should be embarrassed.


It's even scheduled to die. Here's the competition:

In September (Monday):

ABC: Dancing With the Stars
NBC: The Voice
FOX: Gotham
CW: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (finally, a CW show that looks moderately decent!)

In November (moved to Thursday):

ABC: Grey's Anatomy
NBC: Heroes Reborn
FOX: Bones
CW: The Vampire Diaries

So yes, it's pretty much a death sentence. But kudos to CBS for finally airing a single-cam comedy (that will fail) that goes against their multi-cam model.



Clearly you don't know what you're talking about because every Thursday night show he listed will be or already is a ratings Titan. Heroes Reborn wasn't even supposed to be on the network but the interest literally brought it back to life. Greys and Bones are both huge(and have been on for many years) and while The Vampire Diaries has slipped a little it's still one of the CWs biggest shows and has a nice little revamp coming to drum up interest(also 6 years under its belt),

Meanwhile Life in Pieces is on the wrong night instead of up against comedies its against the pure drama night with some of the biggest shows people wait all year to see. You don't stick a brand new comedy up against a bunch of dramas that are all around(or over) 10 years old going strong.

If you don't know that then you have no place in the discussion.



Cute that you're pulling crap out of your butt trying to say successful shows with decent budgets that have been on for years are failing... meanwhile this garbage that hasn't proven itself has you defending it.

You have no place in the discussion. Go sit down, child.


This show is following "The Big Bang Theory" for now. That may help its ratings.


Ouch yeah it's dead in the water. It's a shame because CBS was getting a little better but they keep taking steps back with these try hard quirky comedies. Between this and Supergirl going the tween girl power route instead of heroic badass(even the commercial focuses on her being a 2015, have they not seen the powerful female characters all over TV?) I foresee a lot of flops this season. It's a shame because they really could've gained a younger demo but they can't seem to break tradition with very corny outdated themes.


I don't want any of those shows (surprisingly) and I think this looks cute so I'll be tuning in.


Seriously- for real, please come clean and tell us in which way you work for or are related to this show. The preview I just saw looked ATROCIOUS- with literally not one moment that could elicit a genuine response similar to yours.

You are CLEARLY a plant. REVERSE TROLL!!!!!



LOL I wish I worked for CBS cuz I NEED the money! Nope just a lowly customer service rep from Dallas who liked the preview. It reminded me of Modern Family and I just really enjoy family themed TV shows. I hope it's a sleeper hit.

Besides if I were I'd assume I'd be planted in a high traffic social media outlet like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


Gotta go with the herd here. There's nothing in any promo I've seen that would lead me to believe this will last more than a few episodes. Looks like a weak version of every extended family gimmick ever. The death watch starts now!


Just saw another promo for this last night. This might be the first show ever canceled during the first commercial break. Man, I wish I could get a gig dreaming up stuff like this and then just take the money and run. Fail.


Having been, it seems like, the only person on this board so far to have seen the show - it is beyond excellent. I forsee great critical reception because it is told in a surprisingly original and innovative way which is rare for sitcoms these days. Plus, it is the first sitcom I have seen that reminds me more of indie comedy films than typical sitcom fare - 'Little Miss Sunshine' and films like it jump to mind.


Cool post which I am so happy to read! I certainly hope viewers feel the same as your pre-screening audience did! I will definitely be watching.

Fingers crossed...


They scheduled this show after the expected successful new Muppet series. So they hope that those that watch The Muppet will continue to watch this show.


Nope. It sucks after 5 minutes.


I've already laughed more than I did watching the Big Bang Theory. :-D


I guess this is going to be one of shows you hate or love. 20 minutes into it, I think I love it. Laughed out loud more than once. But since it doesn't have any teenage superheros, chase scenes, hot women who never exist in real life, nothing that explodes, and no special effects, I'm certain it'll bomb. I sure hope not.


minutes? You're too generous...
