Zoe Lister Jones!

Liked her very much in FRIENDS WITH BETTER LIVES (her presence was the best thing about that show); loved as as "Fawn Moscato" in NEW GIRL. Now I see she's returning to tv in this show. Had little interest in it at first but will give it a chance to see the lovely ZLJ once more. I do hope that Fawn Moscato will return to NEW GIRL at least occasionally.


Zoe Lister Jones is a show killer! This gurantees this show will be cancelled.


NEW GIRL seems to have survived.


Zoe Lister Jones is not a show killer. She just happens to have picked some very bad shows. But on each of those shows, she has been the best thing about them. I will watch anything she's in just to see her.


I'd say she had two of the best lines in the premiere:

"Your dad just forgot my name again"

"That's all right, I've only been a part of this family for 5 years"

Loved her delivery

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.


I thought the storyline she was in was the funniest, and true, she doesn't write it, but part of the credit for the humor was her delivery of the lines. When I learned she was going to play a new mom in the show, my initial interest in seeing her again in another show began to wane, because I prefer her as the horny vixen, and my interest in domestic comedy is low to begin with. On the whole I thought this show was only above average, but the big laughs came from her. When hubby applied the frozen glove to her lady parts and she said, "Mama like," I actually laughed out loud.


Saw the second episode, and while I think the cast is pretty good, and I enjoyed the story about the broke guy dating his boss, once again ZLJ was the high point of the show for me. Although that creepy breast-feeding brother-and-sister team she and her husband were dealing withwere pretty funny, too. "I hate those people."


Only reason I watch this show. Love her!


I don't know too much about her...but I like her in this so far.

If you're not taking any steps forward, you're not moving at all.
