Trash Challenge

How does a tire automatically qualify as trash? Tires can be repaired and reused, at least as a spare. They can also be re-purposed into retaining walls, cushioning support for large stones hauled by truck, and holding down tarps on bunk silos.

Furthermore, how did nobody just hide most of their trash until the bet was over? They were going by weight, not volume, so packing peanuts should have meant little. Packing peanuts can also be re-used. They also could have factored in the nature of the trash. Paper and cardboard can be recycled. Banana peels can be composted.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Regarding the packing peanuts: some companies that I order from now use ones made from corn cob powder and the instructions say to put them in the sink and turn on cold water, or that they can be put in gardens and use a hose on them, and as soon as water hits them, they "melt" back into the biodegradable powder that acts as a natural fertilizer (from the nitrogen in the corn)

They are safe for septic systems, since it is just powder corn held in peanut shape by mixing the finely ground cob and a little gelatin, the mixture is aerated and shaped, then dried in a conveyor oven to keep its shape.

They are nontoxic, so there is no worry with them used as packing in the company that I order my dogs treats from (Dr.'s Foster and Smith). They even include a small paper that tells you about the packing peanuts, and an address to a webpage showing a man doing a demonstration, which even shows him eating one (and showing in "melt" by touching the saliva on his tongue).

I agree with your assessment of the scene.


That's getting a bit complicated for a six-minute, five-person skit.
