Worst show ever

Worst show ever. Not funny. Situations so contrived and unrealistic it made me cringe.


Guess you haven't seen the new show "Dr. Ken" yet. THAT is an awful show.

"Vulgarity is no substitute for wit".


Worse than "The Rerun Show" and "Cop Rocks"?

If you're not taking any steps forward, you're not moving at all.


I didn't care for the pilot or the first 2 episodes but it has improved and last night (11/19) was really funny. I find some sitcoms take a while to hit their stride.

"Vulgarity is no substitute for wit".


Dumbest post on the web to date! Congratulations.


Best believe I have seen some worse shows. The first episode and this last one were better written and produced. The ones in the middle seemed to be trying to run with Modern Family but it didn't work for me. You have to get people a chance to know the characters before you just fly out the gate. Anyway, it's not the most horrible thing I have ever sat through, but I think they need to press on the brakes a lil bit. Half the time, I don't even know who I'm looking at or how they are related so let's get some familiarity going on first if you want me to care about them.


I tried a second viewing last night, and man, it was bad. I'm done with this stinker.


Stop watching TV. It's clear you're clueless

If you give a mouse a cookie...it's gonna want a glass of milk.
