Cost of a will

So how much did Jen and Greg have to pay out of their own pocket for drawing up the will for John and Joan? If it wasn't that much then maybe I could see Heather and Matt saying no way we're not pitching in but if it was expensive then crappy reaction from them as well the parents not insisting on covering at least part of it, that whole story seemed pretty selfish on most of the family's part in it.


It depends on the lawyer and how much they charge per hour. While Jen might be ok with not billing for her own time they should definitely bill for whatever time her staff put in on it plus whatever filing costs there were.

As a lawyer myself the real issue for me was Jen drafting the Will at all. You're not supposed to draft a Will if you financially benefit from the terms of the Will itself. Since Greg is a beneficiary there's the worry she might be tempted to draft it in a way that benefits him. As a policy lawyers can't benefit from the will they are drafting for someone else.

Usually I just ignore these things in tv shows but lawyers drafting Wills they benefit from always catches my attention. I guess my Elder law prof taught me too well.

Shawn: I solve a case every week and usually one around Christmas
