Question about Matt

So Matt is currently living at his parents house, sleeping in the basement right?

My question is: Does he not have a room at his own parents house? Or is it possible that there is just one room in the entire house (for his parents)?

I no longer remember if this was explained in one of the first episodes, or maybe I'm confused, but would someone care to answer me?


Two theories with this: 1) After Matt left the nest years ago, his parents turned his room and any extra bedrooms into something else (home office, craft room, den, etc.), or 2) John and Joan bought a new house and down-sized once their children were grown, and they do not have spare bedrooms because there are not many bedrooms or they were being used as other rooms before Matt moved in.


Both of your theories seem possible. Thanks!


He sleeps in the attached garage. In the first or second they suggested that he move into his old room, which he rejected as being "too permanent".

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Thanks for your answer. I no longer remembered that, but it seems a poor decision.
