Odd Format

I just checked out one episode on March 10th. I saw the first two stories and the writing was clever. The parents changing their son's school's sign to say something naughty and eventually getting him in trouble. The next story where Colin Hanks gets jealous of his wife's good looking male assistant. I found the writing on the first story smart.

I just think the short story format seems odd and quick.There are so many characters on the show which made me think the show was an hour format originally.

By the way, Colin Hanks looks and sounds so much like his dad I would think it would be a hinderance to his career and individual identity .I met his father on a delivery job once.


That's what's great--if you don't like the plot, wait five minutes.


Agreed. That's one thing I like about the show. If one of the stories aren't too good, at least they don't take up most of the episode.


Me too. They work well with my short attention span.


Back when MTV was at its most popular and showed videos all day, with no half-hour shows, many people thought that that was the future of TV. "Life in Pieces" seems like what they expected TV to become: short plots for short attention spans. I think the show works. I wouldn't want all shows to be like this, but it's cool to have one.

Jaan Pehechan Ho


I think it's fantastic and innovative. It's got to be a challenge writing for a normal sitcom format with dozens of unique characters, but this is like 4 times that every week. Plus, it's far more challenging for a writer to be as effective but in a much shorter time span.
