MovieChat Forums > Nine Lives (2016) Discussion > What is wrong with kids having good movi...

What is wrong with kids having good movies?

Every time a terrible movie like this comes out people start blathering on about how it is for kids. But why does the movie have to suck just because it is a kids movie? Are kids not allowed to watch something that does not suck? Why can't it be a good movie and a kids movie? Why do we have such low standards when it comes to kids? How many times have you heard "It doesn't matter it is just for a kid anyways"? I think it is pretty crappy to just throw down a couple of cold wieners for lunch just because it is a kid and they don't care.


I'm an adult and I liked this film.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


I demand you revoke your username then! You do not deserve that username!


I know exactly what you mean. There is a film called Super Capers (which I'm sure most of, if not all of you haven't heard. But I watched it, because it has Danielle Harris in it. Well it sucked big time and I said it in some Danielle Harris fan site. And I got a response "well, it's a kids film". Well, it's a crappy kids film. It's not an excuse.


Lol! Can't blame you for still liking Danielle Harris. Shame that girl has not gotten good work after her younger years. One of the fewer good child actors from that generation.


Same with charity songs. Apparently being for charity excuses a song being crap. Erm, no.

