MovieChat Forums > Nine Lives (2016) Discussion > This looks like one of those fake movies...

This looks like one of those fake movies in South Park...

Kevin Spacey is...a cat?
He's a cat and the entire country is going to the dogs.
Kevin Spacey in Whatever, You'll Pay To Go See It. Rated PG-13.

We've already had Rob Schneider (derpity derp) as a Polar Bear, so I guess this was the next logical step.


That's exactly what I thought.




lol I was gona post the same thing

Nine Lives
Kevin Spacey as you've never seen him before

It's like some absurd movie from inside a movie

Also the fact that it boasts it's from the director of the 'Men In Black' films (as though that's an endorsement)... and Jennifer Garner's in it (who fills any obligatory female role in crappy films)

Priceless lol


As if men in black is bad


Same though, haha.

"Rob Schneider is a stapler and he is about to find out that being a stapler is harder than it looks"


Literally the exact same thing came to my mind the second the narration in the trailer started. I still hope that this is some kind of cruel joke by South Park's creators - although, it is fairly obvious that it isn't.


Haha so true

Rob Schneider is... a carrot, It's 24 carat comedy


Kevin Spacey derp de derp. Derp de derpity derpy derp.

Until one day, a derp a derp a derpy derp.

Derp de derp de tetily tum.

From the creators of der and tum te tetily tum te ter.

Kevin Spacey is de derp de derp de tetily derpy derpy dum, rated PG-13.


Here we have Kevin Spacey the well renowned actor who starred in classics like Se7en and The Usual Suspects, stretching his acting chops as a feline. What has the world come to.

Utah! Get me two.

