MovieChat Forums > Nine Lives (2016) Discussion > Lol at the son not saving the cat.....

Lol at the son not saving the cat.....

Anyone else think that was ****ed up? Whole movie he was the good guy, then he sees the cat falling with him and makes NO effort to try and grab him before his shute goes offs? Then when he lands he's all smiles like their family cat didn't just fall from its death from the (2nd) highest building in the country?


i agree


How was he to supposed to save the cat? After he activated his parachute, the cat was falling at a much faster speed.

Anyway, for the purposes of the narrative, the cat had to crash in order to resuscitate Tom Brand.


Glossing right over the fact that cats have been known to stick a landing while falling at terminal velocity, but then that would screw with the narrative and Tom would never have woken up.


The same thought occurred to me too.


Yeah I was thinking "hey why aren't you grabbing the cat!". He acted so calmy like he was walking down the street and sees him
"Oh hi!". But yeah I guess for the story he was not supposed to.
