MovieChat Forums > Second Chance (2016) Discussion > Well, knock me over with a feather!!

Well, knock me over with a feather!!

Alexa's revelation at the end was quite a bit of a shocker. That's two in a row from her. I fell for the rouse that the old chap was her father. I can't wait for some explanations there. Alexa, you sneaky old bat :-)


Yes, I thought that was very clever and could lead to an interesting story line. I should have gotten suspicious when Pritchard commented about how strong she was as she was helping him into his apartment.



OMG I completely missed that!!!!


I wanna know the whole story there. How was Connor part of it? When did this happen? Since Otto clearly knew about it, why hasn't he told Mary? She obviously has no idea, given their early conversation about how this wasn't ready for human trials. A lot of Otto's behavior can be explained by him being a selfish tool, but this, I think there has to be more to it.

"I prayed for guidance, and then I flipped a coin."


How do you know Otto knew about it? I thought it was just the 3rd twin that did it.



wait, i'm lost...there's a 3rd twin?


DITTO.Who is the third twin? That rich guy whose sleeping with Mary can't be blood related.He's just screwing Mary to get her company. I don't think Alexa is a twin but one of Otto's prototypes. I'm confused as well.

That's just my two cents.


That rich guy whose sleeping with Mary can't be blood related.
No, but that's the guy people mean when they say "the third twin." There must have been something on the show that gave him this nickname but I missed it; I only figured it out from context, reading here (I'd hazard a guess it comes from some smart-aleck remark by Pritchard). His name is Connor.

"I don't know... perhaps plead stupidity."


The guy has a framed magazine cover in his office with a cover story about him and Mary and Otto and the headline is "The Third Twin".



Aaaahhhh, thank you!

"You think you've got it bad? I just saw a transvestite that looks like Munch."


The guy has a framed magazine cover in his office with a cover story about him and Mary and Otto and the headline is "The Third Twin".



'Cause Otto threw her out.

"Jamie, your vagina mum is awesome."


I must have missed something. I have to rewatch it. Thanks.



I don't think it's worth bothering to do that. It's just one line from her: "Otto kicked me out before I was even fully formed." That's why she doesn't feel bad as far as he's concerned, though she does have guilt about betraying Mary.

"Yeah, it's all fun and games until somebody loses a penis."


How can a clone/mutant be thrown out before being fully formed? I heard that, and just figured she had been smoking too much of grandpa's old cock.

So Alexa has webbed feet? Her tits are plastic? She has no snatch?


I think they'll go back to it and we'll find out.

"Oh, it's all good here at Xenophobe Manor."


I'd like to address the elephant in the room,if Alexa was Otto's first prototype ,how come Otto acts like he would not be aware of who Alexa really is? If you are a super scientist would you forget your first major breakthrough? Unless Otto does know who Alexa is and what she is involved in and just playing dumb about it.

That's just my two cents.


Otto may play out to be a total psychotic or sociopath, and he may be behind all types of crazy stuff that will be unleashed over time.

Or it may be Mary that is the dangerous nut. There is a lot of room for crazy and sick in this twin-family.


Arthur is the secret psycho. You know how artificial intelligences always turn evil in cheap sci-fi!

"I don't know... perhaps plead stupidity."


Arthur, created by Otto, who is seduced by the billionaire guy = triple terrorist threat.


I was thinking the "third twin" was doing his own experiments (similar to what happened to Pritchard) but he lacked the full procedure/knowledge developed by Otto (which is what Alexa is suppose to be stealing).

Had Mary died he would've gotten Otto and this knowledge when the companies merged but now that Mary is in remission/cured he's going to have to use Alexa corporate espionage style to get it.

The only way that I can see Otto experimenting on Alexa, not knowing her, then giving her a job is if Lookinglass did a bunch of trials using multi shell companies to mask their identity, manage to make an old woman young again, then stop the trials, only for Alexa to seek out Conner and come up with this whole infiltrate Lookinglass scenario via becoming Mary's personal assistant.

I figured based on Pritchard that most of the experiments involved "dead" people but it's possible that senior citizens were the original "testing" pool. Of course, if some granny became a young hottie (re: Alexa) I figure that would be noticed by someone but maybe she was some mutant outlier that escaped everyone's notice but her significant other and Conner.


There are endless routes for testing on humans who are homeless, poor, in nursing homes, and have no other family to check on them.

It probably goes on for real, in this sordid world we live in that spends most of it resources following trashy celebrity families.

