MovieChat Forums > Second Chance (2016) Discussion > Otto will get this show cancelled

Otto will get this show cancelled

Too late. Damn it. If only they'd listen to us. What fool was responsible for this wretched character anyway??


Well, Otto is spoiled and is using his sister's emotional affections for him to manipulate her in any and every way he can to do his will. He feels if he doesn't want something then she shouldn't. His relationship isn't healthy towards His sister. Otto uses his "helpless" little boy act, which at one time he may have been, but now because of his past actions and experiments anyone can see that he is now devious and manipulative, and is becoming uncontrollable, sliding into to the darkest side of evil. I would not be surprised if he did not end up using Conner and his lot for his own use all along, while they think it's themselves who are actually in control.
This is really a great story line, if the writers will get with it and use their imaginations ask for ideas and suggestions from the fans - this keeps it fresh, this will keep it going, and out of the "ho-hum" Hollywood same-old, same-old. Just saying - from a fan ?


larosat, I KNOW, RIGHT?!!! i very much like this show but the one character/actor who i wish was not on it is Otto and the actor playing him. i honestly want to kick the living $hit out of him (and i'm not a violent person normally! LOL).


Otto is a Monster.


Otto is Dr. Frankenstein


Exactly. It's only because he's completely amoral - and there lies the problem.

I think - no I hope - he'll come around in Episode 11.


After tonite episode I think Otto is playing Connor 😀

damned! why do u spoil it?


Otto is too insane for that. However, Otto has such a paranoid personality, that he will turn on Connor when it fully sinks in that Connor and Alexa betrayed and manipulated Otto.

Otto is like a porcupine. He always wants to roll up and stick everyone around him. He is a sociopath.
