MovieChat Forums > Second Chance (2016) Discussion > Gracie deserved the kidnapping

Gracie deserved the kidnapping

And any teenage girl that runs away from a nice home with a jerk, too. Idiots.


While the story is a bit contrived, the reality is that thousands of kids run away from home every year and literally disappear forever.

A lot of them probably get a very sad ending to their short lives.


I will be those who run away from nice homes have second thoughts once the inevitable bad things start happening. No sympathy for them, what so ever.


Once any kid is at school, etc., all it takes is one malicious assshole to mess up the kid's attitude, and convince him or her that up is down and in is out.

Kids are mostly innocent and that innocence is not protected in the school system or the religious school system.

Pedophiles of both sexes take advantage of kids, and it is not just teachers, but maintenance people, other support staff, ministers, priests, etc.


Yea she was an idiot. In real life she would have ended up a prostitute or sex slavery.A lot of these kids that run away from home end up a mess. Plus she is around 17 so its completely stupid to run away when you can either just wait until you turn 18 and move out or get an emancipation.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Nobody deserves that. Besides, if she hadn't run off, they'd have found another way to take her anyway. It really didn't make any difference; she just made it slightly easier for the bad guys is all. But that trap would have closed on her whether she walked into it or not.

"Mr. Barba, you're off to a flying stop."


why didn't Gracie's fake "boyfriend"/kidnapper just kidnap her earlier into their fake dating relationship? am i missing something?

if the "Gracie-has-the-same-DNA-as-Jimmy" thing was just learned by Connor Graff then why was Gracie's fake bf (who works for Graff) even "courting" Gracie (if he only was doing so for her Pritchard DNA) for weeks(?....or longer?). it's not like fake bf was trying to date her because he genuinely liked/loved her. right?


As best I can remember, we don't really have an explanation for that. My guess would be that he was dating her because he really liked her, then got recruited by Connor more recently, after the two were already involved.

"I just wanna slap his hideous, beautiful face!"


It may just be that Connor knew who Pritchard was thanks to Alexa or Otto, and he was keeping an eye on the family with the idea that the same genetics might be available in other members.

Mary said that the precursor gene skipped Duval, and I wonder how did she know??


Helen, your theory is IMO the only way that this would make sense. :)


Helen does not make any sense.

The guy was a skeeze from day 1. He took her out to the vacant lot to shoot guns, and may have wanted to kidnap her back then.

It may not have even been about the DNA, though Otto and Connor would have both suspected that Gracie could be the magic X factor.

At some point it was the DNA that motivated them to get Gracie, and it seems like Garrett already knew the layout when he was pushing the gurney through the lab.

So, based on his attitude and lack of loving personality, it only makes sense that he was a hired gun since the beginning, just like Alexa was a plant since the beginning.

All this was planned since Pritchard was in the regeneration stage, and right after, when Otto was immediately looking for an alternative to Pritchard.

Just like Mary was screwing Connor, Otto may be Connor's emotional twin too. Connor may have been getting info from both twins and Alexa too.


The boyfriend was definitely always a skeeze. I just can't see any other reason for him to have dragged this out for so long, other than not being part of a criminal conspiracy initially.

We will probably never get any real answer on this though. I think his part in the play is over.

"I just wanna slap his hideous, beautiful face!"


Garrett will have a moment of confession, as either Duval or Pritchard are either beating him up, or throwing him off a balcony.

Garrett is not out of the story yet, IMHO.


Maybe. I wouldn't rule it out, but with so much to cover in the one remaining episode, it kinda seems less than crucial to include that. We'll see!

"I just wanna slap his hideous, beautiful face!"


I am looking forward to this season finale. I hope there is a season 2.


Im quite sure this is because they had to wrap up the story alot quicker than they wanted to. Since the show is now canceled, so they couldnt make the story fit in another way now. This is the only reason why the series suddenly shifted into hyperdrive now....


I came here to post something similar, OP, and you beat me to it. She got what she deserved. I didn't wish her bad, but these teenagers never seem to learn. I know it's just a show, but I see it not only in other TV shows (Homeland for example with the bratty teenager among others), but in real life. So many teens are missing today in the US, and a lot of times either their body is found, or they are never found. They get fooled so easily, and they always feel they know best and don't listen to their parents.

They could watch a story on the news about some teen who got fooled by some guy on the Internet, and then they go on the Internet and meet a guy and feel that their guy is different. They just don't listen and don't learn. Excuse my rant.

I bet Gracie is going to wish she had listened to her father. She asked Garrett why they aren't leaving Seattle as she didn't want to stick around. What difference did she think it would make. I'm sure she's underage and he would be in trouble with the law. Isn't she 15?

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity
