Marie-Jo = Audrey Tautou ?

Gauche of me to say perky wide-eyed raven-tressed ingénues all look alike, but the more I watch, the more the Marie-Jo character appears to be played by Audrey Tautou ( star of the fantastic "Amelie" ), AND THE CHARACTER IS NOT LISTED IN THE CAST LIST ( as of 7.17.16 ) despite being a prominent supporting role. Which leads me to wonder if AT agreed to the role as long as she wasn't billed. Is the actress the role-unspecified "Stéphanie Fatout", and is that a pseudonym, revealed by its ( more or less ) rhyme ? It's hard to understand how the character's performer can be unattributed when the role has so much screen time & so lengthy a scene at the end of episode 8.



Stéphanie Fatout is a real person:
