What does QED mean? The characters mention it a lot. It plays like a punch line. I'm assuming it's a French or France thing. Just wondering folks.


"And QED" is a literal translation for "et CQFD" (Ce Qu'il Fallait Démontrer), but in this context, it means something more like "and Bob's your uncle" or (oddly enough) "and voilà".


Thank you for taking the time to answer bmeixner. Appreciate it.


From Wikipedia - Q.E.D. is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, meaning "which is what had to be proved". The phrase is traditionally placed in its abbreviated form at the end of a mathematical proof or philosophical argument when the original proposition has been exactly restated as the conclusion of the demonstration. The abbreviation thus signals the completion of the proof.


Great info too Clarus-1. Thank you.


Right, it's "Quad Erat Demonstratum" (I think). Like saying "so there!" or something like that.


They are all correct. I actually use the term sometimes myself. To add a little the idea is what the agent said is definitive. There is no room for counter opinion.


The joke at school (decades ago) was that it meant "Quite Easily Done", but clarus-1 has the real meaning.
