So, Jamie's ex tells Doug to

run like the wind next week? We'll see.

"... and I am unanimous in that!"- Mrs. Slocombe


Haha, I can't wait! My dvr cut off so I didn't get to see the preview for next week. She is WAY too obsessed with her husband meeting her ex. She's so hung up on him I'm having a sneaking suspicion that she did all of this for spite or revenge to him? Thinking he'd take her back if she threatened to do MAFS? I dunno, the whole situation it's pretty strange....
I'm so far removed from past relationships that they never even cross my mind, let alone wanting my husband to have anything to do with them?!?! I've said it before and I'll say it again, she is SERIOUSLY damaged. Some people carry baggage, Jamie carries the entire cargo plane full of baggage.


I'll never forget on that fateful wedding day, the look of shock and disappointment in her eyes. She outright was not attracted to Doug. Then I read how Jamie was on the bachelor, other shows with great looking men....I never felt this was gonna last, but all these romantic fans insisted its a "Match"! They are too different, she's a wannabe Hollywood one hit wonder and Doug seems more normal family type. I warned you all 2 years ago.


I'm with you, I didn't need a warning, it was always clear as day to me. They'll never last. She's crazy, seems she wants fame and fantasy, and I think he's much more the relaxed "every man" type. Totally incompatible.


Jamie seems to have an unhealthy obsession with this ex, who after all, could have married her but chose not to do so. She seems to have this very unrealistic perception what things were like with him -- gee, Jamie, if the relationship was so perfect, why was he okay with calling it quits with you?

A previous boyfriend warned my dad not to marry his second wife -- man, do we all wish he had listened to the guy.

The bottom line is that these are adults who turned over the most major decision we make in our lives to a bunch of reality show shrinks and then wonder why they run into problems when the reality of what they have done hits them.
