Cortney is a disgusting person.

I cannot believe how much her true colors have come out in this show and how she was able to snow everyone during the original series. This chick is a crazy, immature, insecure, selfish, hypocritical, smothering person who has no business ruining any man's life with her awfulness.

Jason got f v c k ed over big time and the saddest part is that he doesn't seem to realize it yet. He still bends over backwards to make her happy and she's not happy with ANYthing he does. He is in for an incredibly long and miserable ride.

Dick, I am VERY disappointed.


It just gets worse with each episode. This biatch is so awful that I almost quit watching the show altogether. Unbelievable what a pathetic and dishonest person she is. Jason...get a divorce!!!!

Dick, I am VERY disappointed.


I'm starting to agree with u. At first I kinda liked her, but more & more I just think she is such a narcissistic, egotistical, selfish brat! All she talks about is herself & what she needs, "me, me, me, I, I, I"! She's so lazy & never cleaned or organized that old apt even when she stopped working & Jason moved all their sh!t & cleaned up while working full time as a probie firefighter!

And like she gets mad at him for having to work holidays, it's like wtf!?! Of course he would have to work holidays & undesirable shifts, he's a newbie! & it's not like its his fault. She should've expected that!

Jason keeps saying how she was there for him & stood by him while he followed his dreams, well he's still following them! It's not like u become a firefighter overnight. He is still working toward that dream & she's already somewhat abandoned him! He makes it sound like she's been standing by him & supporting him for years when they haven't even known each other a year yet!

I can't stand all her talk about being a team when she turns around and goes on & on about getting herself back, more "me, me, me". And she talks about them getting their marriage back, but where did it go?!? Its not like they've been married for years or anything!

I felt so bad for Jason when she was such a b!tch about the vow renewal in Vegas. True, maybe their money could've been better spent elsewhere, but she was just so rude about it, esp when he just wanted to do something romantic for her! And she has the nerve to complain that Jason doesn't make her a priority! Like, does she not even hear herself or see how contradictory that is??? And then she basically tells him she is going to NC & he can just hang out & wait for her while she decides what to do with herself & "resets/recharges"! If I hear one more time about how great NC is, how much she hates NY, or how much she misses her family, I swear I'm gonna reach thru the TV & choke a b!tch!

I was watching this show to hopefully see 2 couple blossom & work thru their marriage issues, but now I'm just hoping Jason dumps Courtney, lol!

"Strange things are afoot at the Circle K"


I liked her a lot on the original show but yeah, in The First Year I think her true personality came out. She is just a terrible person. That poor guy is gonna have to wake up and see it someday!!

Dick, I am VERY disappointed.


It's even more rich that she somehow manages to make her crying and immature tantrums into "one of her best qualities" by saying that she feels things so intensely that she can't cover up her emotions and has to express them. No, maybe that's just indicative of you being extremely childish and spoiled Cortney?!
