Jamie and Cortney

I loved them in MaFS, but in The First Year, they are freaking annoying the hell out of me.

The most annoying thing about Jamie is how conceited she is. Everything has to be about her. Her mother shows up at the restaurant and Jamie is angry that she's there. Then Jamie is upset her mom didn't show up for Thanksgiving. Now Jamie is upset her mom isn't showing up for the wedding. Oh wait... Jamie's mom shows up for the wedding. Now Jamie is mad she came.

Will she make up her damn mind? She is so lucky to have a guy who works to support the both of them, while she is unemployed and can't even clean up the house months after moving in. She whines endlessly about North Carolina and her family and puts poor Jason in positions he can't possibly win. He can't move to NC cause his entire life and career are in NY. Meanwhile, she hates NY and misses her family. Grow the fluck up, seriously.

And one more question, where can I get me a Doug or a Jason? These guys are amazing!!!!!! And I'm nowhere near as annoying as Jamie and Cortney.


I couldn't agree more! This show makes me think that guys will marry and put up with any bat sh*t crazy woman as long as they are attractive!

I liked Courtney a lot the first season. She seemed to have it all together- career, personality, maturity,looks, passions in life, etc. Plus she was supportive of Jason and so sweet. All the sudden she's lazy, selfish, not supportive, nagging, depressed, unmotivated, can't even brush her hair for an episode! Yet Jason says "she's the love of my life! " haha!

I never liked Jamie from day 1. Acting like Doug was unattractive for the wedding and honeymoon and weeks into their relationship, she acted like he didn't deserve her and she thought she was a supermodel! She is a pretty girl but I think she likes attention. Especially after I learned she starred on one or more reality shows prior to this one. Plus the constant baby talk-wow lady chill out! She's in her late 20s acting like there's no time left! She already doesn't want to give Doug action only 6 months in! Does Doug really believe their sex life will improve when she starts popping out kids? I think the only way she will want sex is to procreate. Plus she has so much family drama.

It seems these good men are blind or just not willing to see what types of women they married!


^THIS! 


And one more question, where can I get me a Doug or a Jason? These guys are amazing!!!!!! And I'm nowhere near as annoying as Jamie and Cortney.


I tend to disagree about Cortney being 'annoying' (I think she's a doll). but putting that aside, there are plenty of 'Dougs' and 'Jasons' looking for love on online sites, like match.com, etc. After YEARS of dating the 'old-fashioned' way (meeting at school, through mutual friends, out at the bars, etc) and one failed engagement, I tried it, esp. since it had been becoming so mainstream (at least as compared to the personal ads in magazines, etc, of yesteryear). It's pretty random, and you might have to go on anywhere from 10 to 100 dates, but statistically speaking, if you keep putting yourself out there, you're gonna find someone to whom you're attracted AND compatible (with). My husband and I met on match and we're both pretty 'normal' (lol, though I'm sure some beg to differ). We've been together for almost a year, and once you meet each other's friends and families, the fact that you met online becomes pretty insignificant. And I was REALLY cynical, when I first tried online dating. Anyway, good luck!!


Cortney is a horrible wife and not a particularly likable person. Jason is gonna realize at some point how truly sickening she is...maybe he will get out before it's too late.

Dick, I am VERY disappointed.


Will she make up her damn mind? She is so lucky to have a guy who works to support the both of them, while she is unemployed and can't even clean up the house months after moving in. She whines endlessly about North Carolina and her family and puts poor Jason in positions he can't possibly win. He can't move to NC cause his entire life and career are in NY. Meanwhile, she hates NY and misses her family. Grow the fluck up, seriously.

I totally agree on your assessment of Cortney.

When she shot Jason down in Las Vegas as he was asking her to re-marry him, she did it with such insensitivity and showed actual CONTEMPT for his idea. That is not how you treat someone that you love. Then, she throws in his face that she wants to go back to NC.

Once she sees that he's still willing to put up with her, even though she made that nasty threat, she softens up and goes through with the re-marriage. It seemed like a nasty, cruel, passive-aggressive test to see how much she could threaten and hurt him, without any backlash on his part. He should have called her bluff and told her to just leave then.

The worst thing someone can do to another person is threaten to leave them....especially when Jason hadn't done one thing wrong to warrant this.

I wonder if she stayed with him in NY to get free advertisement for her make-up line? Would she still be with him if they were not on this show?

Lastly, she lived in NY for 2 1/2 years before meeting Jason. So, if she hates NY so much, she needed to move back to NC before applying to this show in order to meet someone who lives there. You can't meet a New Yorker and expect them to just uproot their lives. Very unfair. He also just lost his beloved Mom. That's just WAY too much loss for one person to tolerate.

It's very obvious that he is a NY city kind of man...he has awesome friends there and loves his job with the fire department and loves to wrestle. He won't get that sort of fun and action in NC, as far as I know.

NC is a great place too, but if someone loves the lifestyle and action of NY city, they will simply not be happy in NC.
