Jamie is cuckoo.

If I was Doug, I would have to drink every time she says "my ex" and just stay drunk all the time to be able to live with her. The biggest slap in the face is her saying "he's my best friend." OMG.. shut it woman. You should be embarrassed when you watch this back, but I doubt you will be.

They're, their, there. They're different. Trust me on this.


I hate when she says her ex is her best friend. Her husband is supposed to be her best friend. What is wrong with her?? She's a whack-a-doodle.


Drove me nutttttts this last episode when she was shoving in Doug's face that she does everything for him and his family because she loves him and why couldn't he do the same--a) you should be doing that ish without expecting some big payback, to hold that over someone's head like a bargaining chip, that's literally conditional love and b) what a frickin hypocrite, you tell him you have feelings for an ex, force the man to confront the new guy while still reeling from the news (which really seems like the impetus of his withdrawal anywho) and still he's supposed to bend over backwards and give 110% while she's dreaming about mouthboning this dude. EFF that noise.
