Get Out While You Can, Doug

Listen, I understand no person or marriage is perfect. There is no doubt that Doug has his flaws.

That having been said, this dude has the patience and restraint of a saint...I try to be a pretty level-headed, compromising gentleman towards the ladies (mother, sister, significant other, etc)...However, even I think that by now I would have snapped and called it quits if I had to deal with Jamie's constant nagging and berating.

She faults him for not being invested in her family...Why? They live six hours away and all she does every episode or two is talk about how dysfunctional her family was/is....If I was constantly hearing about how much baggage my in-laws were, I certainly would try to keep a healthy separation too.

Not to mention, let's remember how much s h i t this guy had to eat when the experiment first started. He got a front row seat to hear his wife imply he was ugly, a liar (the smoking thing), and a mooch (his parents paying certain bills)...How did he respond? He found it in his heart to forgive her cruel critiques...Meanwhile, he has to leave a wedding (which he voluntarily served as the celebrant at) to attend a MEMORIAL softball game planned a year in advance, and instead of showing him the same kindness, she chews his ass out at every turn.

She is a very pretty woman. But alas, the more this show goes on, the easier it is see why she was single for this long.

Cortney has her bitchy moments; Jamie is just a permanent one.


I hear what you're saying (and I agree that Doug would probably be better off if he left her), but I wouldn't say Jamie is a "bitch." When children have to suffer/ survive certain trauma in at such a young age, they develop behaviors to cope, which don't always translate well when they enter their adult years. And those pattens can't be 'fixed' overnight - if the person if motivated, they can modify such behaviors with therapy. She's not healthy enough herself to be IN a healthy relationship - and yes, she acts bitchy, but that doesn't mean that she's a bitch. She's completely insecure and doesn't have the ability to trust.


Great presentation of the other side of the discussion. Touche !

You are right; I should have been a little more sensitive to the root causes of her insecurities before throwing out labels.


Ahhhh, that's ok, I totally understood what you were saying (I wouldn't want to be married to her, lol). Anyway, we ALL judge, at times -... esp with the zillions of reality shows on! But I always find it useful to label people's behavior as "healthy/unhealthy" vs "good/bad," esp in their interpersonal relationships.
