What's with Jason's friend......

trying to weasel his way onto the show?

You know having that girl move in with him is doomed to fail.


He's divorced and may see Jason and Courtney jump in and thinks it may work. But really? Weaseling his way on the show so is that chick.


Ugh, totally agree. Him and that girl he's dragging home from Vegas as weaseling their way in.


Neph! At least lie in front of the cameras when asked if you'll marry your girlfriend !


LOL Right?

Anyone else?

Should they get their own spin-off?

More like spin-oof! I wouldn't watch it.




God no! Please! No spin-off!


The more I see of them, the more I wonder why the show would think we'd like them. They don't even seem that into each other, and now he bought a house without letting her have any input, but they're supposed to be building a life together?

Go back to obscurity please.

Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike. I know, let's have a spelling contest.


LOL Exactly!

