MovieChat Forums > Lost Boy (2016) Discussion > REMAKE - The Deep End of the Ocean

REMAKE - The Deep End of the Ocean

Nothing original here. "The Deep End of the Ocean" is a better film.


Its because the little brother(Jonathan) "loves old movies". The mother was telling the lost boy(Mitchell) about this during there conversation right before he met the rest of the family. So that is what's up with that. Good question,I most certainly was asking myself the same question.


I just replied to the wrong message. Now I must type that all over again.


You can copy and paste.


You are only 30 minutes into the movie when you posted this. Give it a chance to be something different.

This isn't a remake at all. Sure they both have the same basic idea of what happens when a missing child returns home but that is just a basic outline.

Deep End of the Ocean (which was based on a book) was a drama. The Lost Boy is a suspense movie where we are wondering if this kid has sinister intentions or not.


That post was April 18th.


Oops you are right. So he didn't even bother watching any of it LOL


Lol. Probably. Lol


Is this new? Did he watch this in April? I have Verizon cable and it will say NEW in a green box next to the title of the movie. But it doesn't tonight.


His post was in April!!


When I read the movie's description, I thought it might be a remake of "I Know My First Name Is Steven" which was a devastating mini-series from the true story of Steven Stayner. Stayner died in a motorcycle accident shortly after it aired. And then his older brother turned out to be the Yosemite Park murderer.


That's what I thought of as well but this movie was definitely different.

And OMG, I had no idea about Steven's older brother, I have to go Google that now.


I had no idea about Steven's older brother, I have to go Google that

I hadn't heard about that either. It's really sad. Steven dying so young in an accident. His brother on death row for killing those women. His Uncle was murdered a year after Steven passed away, possibly by his brother Carey. Articles didn't go into details, just that Carey might have killed him too. And the boy that Steven rescued died at the age of 35 from a pulmonary embolism.
