MovieChat Forums > Queen of Katwe (2016) Discussion > Question for the racist trolls

Question for the racist trolls

How can black people star in a movie without offending you? It seems like whenever a movie comes out staring black people, IMDB gets flooded with racist comments.



Never studied history in school, eh? Another ignorant hick for you, folks! High school was obviously too hard for this person!


Never studied propaganda in school, eh? Another brainwashed sheep for you, folks! Intellectual maturity is obviously too hard for this person!


The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Even you know this movie is a lie.

Reckless drivers are a bigger threat to you than all other criminals put together.


Try telling the truth. If you can, find some black who has accomplished something outside of pro sports, and make an honest movie about that.
Phiona Mutesi's story is just that.

Om Mani Padme Hum


Black ppl can't be racist when MOST of this country is full of white ppl hence why slavery lasted so long, hence why black ppl were treated like *beep* for no reason.

White supremacist.



Jesus, your parents must be monsters. Either you like white boys and can't get one to call you back, or your parents shoved Al Sharpton propaganda down your throat the second you popped out of the womb. The world isn't against you, sissa chile. You're against yourself.


How many white movies are out there based on a true story that changes details, exaggerates facts, create new ones, anddownplays negative ones? For example the movie A Beautiful Mind downplayed the character's homosexuality and other unsavory details.

Besides there *is* no movie about a black person in which butthurt whites boys faced with the fact that they just might not be superior to everyone on the planet come on IMDB to whine about how they are not the center of the universe and everyone's attention and go scrambling around on the internet with the intent trying to find something negativeso they can feel better about themselves and sleep at night.

So fragile. So absolutely afraid.

It's a movie. Get over yourselves.

Isn't there some movie with some white guy with super human powers playing somewhere? Don't you have chores? Or some homework? Better get on it.

Some Asian kid who can't even speak English just arrived here and will be winning all the math and science awards in a couple of years.

Insecure twits.
