MovieChat Forums > Queen of Katwe (2016) Discussion > Blacklivesmatter didn't even go watch it...

Blacklivesmatter didn't even go watch it



BLM is a black American movement. This movie has nothing to do with America. Your post is like someone thinking it's ironic/funny that an American white power group didn't go watch some Danish film even though the characters have white skin.



First, that's entirely your opinion based out of fear and racism. Second, the movie is a true story so it's not a fictional creation made up to massage the egos of black people. It's simply the story about a black person.

Next, for a half-wit twit like youself, you wouldn't know this because your world is so tiny: a lot of black people play chess. If you went to any New York city park you'd see old and young black men playing chess. Yes, chess big time. They play as competitive sport. They play for bragging rights, and a love and beauty of the game

My husband was an avid, competitive player and I bought him a beautiful hand carved set many years ago because he was such a great chess player. He tried to teach me once but I'm terrible at strategy games. He was best at strategy,including cards because he could memorize all the ones that had been played. But I could best him at Scrabble which my uncle taught me and I used to play with him all the time and I was only a young teen. It was the one game I could best my husband.

So playing chess among black men and "urban" ones at that isnot at all unusual. Like I said, they play competitively all the time.

A story about a black chess prodigy threatens your need to feel yourself superior and your need to massage your fragile, scared ego.

So fragile you have to convince yourself it was contrived for something many black people do already. What an ignorant dumb butt, know nothing you are. The guys in the park would laugh hysterically and Checkmate you in about 5 minutes.

Yes, we play chess AND Scrabble.

It's a *true* story ya twit.

I go to the movies every week and it was never playing in my area and there are 6 movie theaters I attend. It was not advertised as well as some stupid comic book action film which is probably at your intellectual level.

This reminds me I had to work in Harlem once on a federal job. One of the older white men I worked with played this young Harlem guy in his 20's, who whipped his butt. He was so shocked because like you he had no idea black men played chess. I thought it was hilarious when he challenged him because I knew how much they played.

Talk about what you know.


they didnt watch Selma either. In fact, they had to take black kids to go see it.
