MovieChat Forums > The Phoenix Incident (2015) Discussion > 3/10 Military missinformation meets Blai...

3/10 Military missinformation meets Blair witch project

What does it have? Comradery, irrational characters, good effects (compared to type of movie) and a bad plotline. This is Blair witch project (1999) meeting military missinformation (that is with high probability clear by the amount of access to military footage).
If you are military and want something on in the background this could be okey.

Access to military footage/military cooperation
Actually gets your adrenaline pumping atleast once

The religious/supernatural narrative
Some of the CGI
Ties several absurd strings to one line of events and one narrative
Too much shakycam
Irrational behaviour
Using footage from the web probably without consent (?), some relating to real life UFO sightings, others probably to HAARP and yet others from the Russian meteorite (2013).

John McCain gets a thanks in the credits (alleged - for legal reasons, war criminals shouldn't get that).

Ignorance is only a bliss if you haven't reached awareness.
My imdb posts are getting altered.


yet others from the Russian meteorite

Yeah, I caught that, too. Lazy filmmaking. The videos of the Russian meteorite are very well known, and we know that's what it was - a meteorite, not an alien invasion. Putting that image on screen with a voiceover implying it was part of the supposed alien attack was just dumb.


John McCain gets a thanks in the credits (alleged - for legal reasons, war criminals shouldn't get that).

Oh jeez... Another fraking moron.
He isn't a war criminal, you fücktard.

Politically speaking he is an idiot, a RINO.

But militarily speaking, he served with honor along with millions of others.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
