Who's in the Box?

Just speculating on who is in the box in the bunker... I'm thinking Leanne but not sure why she'd be in there (the bunker or the box!) what do other people think?


it could be layla



How can it be Leanne or Layla when we saw both of them "after" we saw the person waking up (sedative wearing off) in the box?


what about that girl who lived in her youth with Ariel and Hawkwind?


what about that girl who lived in her youth with Ariel and Hawkwind?


Having twins is an hereditary thing. It could be the twin of someone in the family...


More to the point, why was no-one curious enough to open the box? Surely there will be a sequel, or that was just silly...


It has to be U.S. Marshall Tess Carter, she is going to pester Rhonda in the next season as well and she is probably their half-sister (and maybe Laylas mom).


I doubt they would make her (or anyone else for that matter) simultaneously their (Rhonda, Scotty and Jude's) sister and Layla's mom because that would make Layla and Jamie (and Ariel) cousins.


Is there anything in this show that make any sense? They could definitely make them cousins, that would just add another twist to the story.


So, you really think the show would go there and let first cousins have a child together? I don't know, it just seems very unlikely to me.


It is set in England, where first cousins can legally marry, so why not?


It's legal to marry your cousin in England...


It's legal to marry second cousins almost everywhere.


Geneticly, they wouldn't be cousins, as Tess and Father Jude would be half brother och half sister, they would be more like second cousins. And as one poined out, it is legal to marry your cousin or even your half brother/sister for that matter in some counties in Europe.


I know it's legal to marry your cousin in England or elswhere in Europe (not your half sibling though, I have no idea where you heard that), it's legal in my country too. That doesn't mean that it happens ...

But sure, as I said, I guess it's possible they would go there, I just don't think it's likely.*shrug*


It is legal here in Sweden to marry your half sibling, because half siblings are genetically cousins. :) It's not common though.
I actually think it's likely, because if it is Ariel in the bunker, they need something to stop him from getting Layla as she might react just like you.


Re "It is legal here in Sweden to marry your half sibling": Wow! I didn't know that such a marriage was legal in any european country! This info has left me totally flabbergasted!*lol* (After googling it, it seems that Sweden is the only european country where it's legal, so it's obviously very uncommon.) I know half siblings share the same amount of their genetical material as first cousins, but at least first cousins don't share a parent. Marrying/having sex with your half sibling seems incredibly icky to me ...*shrug*

Re Ariel/Layla: But if Layla rejected Ariel (who she thinks is Jamie) because they are cousins then there would be no reason for her not to reject Jamie on the same grounds and I really don't want her to reject Jamie!;-)

Anyway, we will see what will happen if there is a second season of this show (I really hope there is!) and after the great first season I trust TPTB to write a compelling story with intriguing characters again!:-) I'm definitely looking forward to finding out who is in the box!*lol* Have a nice day!;-)


No I didn't know that lmao I never knew til


When there are less than 20 people left in the world, it is OK to marry your cousin.


Rhonda and Scott's triplet?




Bauer? lol


No Jack Frost.


i think it's Jamie and Ariel's mum, whatever her name is. just wouldn't be a cozy reunion if she didn't end up in that clusterfk of a bunker :)


But she is dead. Jamie buried her.


Plus, the voice was clearly American.


hmmm somehow i totally missed that 


It sounds like it's voiced by Rhonda.. like some sort of cloning program.. but the only people it could be is Tess since it can't be a relative otherwise the blood would have been used and all that.. and the voice is American.


Actually, it has to be a relative, as the old woman is only interested in her own bloodline. And it has to be someone we already have seen on the show, why would they otherwise put her in a box?


Rhonda's twin


Sigh - that would be Scotty.

Stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler
I'm looking for something beginning with E


It sounded like Jenna fishers voice, I think they were actually triplets. Such a shame we won't get more answers. I also surmise Jude and his sister had a different father than Rhonda and Scotty.
