Another year, another AC...

AC Unity was a complete Catastrophe, do you think this one will be as bad?


50/50 Very rarely do game creators say their previous game sucked and show all the bad stuff said about it.


I stopped playing after ACIII.


I Dont blame you. Try black flag its way better than AC3.


AC II, III and Black Flag were my favorites. Beyond those, the rest were hit and miss (mostly misses).

"Martyr me for Cordis Die"


Have not managed to play Unity yet, but I'd love to give both it and Syndicate a whirl if I get the chance. As it stands now, my preferences for the series are as follows:

1. AC 3
2. AC Revelations
3. AC Black Flag
4. AC
5. AC 2
6. AC Brotherhood
7. AC Rogue


Still have to play Unity, but have currently heard pretty decent things about Syndicate.


I play each one and like each one and i think Unity was bad. And love Syndicate ;)


I thought Syndicate was dull and repetitive. Probably just as bad as Unity.

It's shocking that they've went from Black Flag to this in just a couple of years. I think it's time to either stop or come up with better stories.


I agree. The graphics were impressive, but the story line was abysmal. Mix that that PC-overtones and it makes a dull game. By far my favourite was AC:III.

It could be my memory, but I'm certain they've dumbed down the game by removing all of the puzzles. I enjoyed lock-picking etc.

3/10 at most.


Thought Syndicate was a major improvement over Unity. Even with its faults (which were quite few imo), it was actually fun to play where as Unity was a chore to get through.

As it stands, my ranking of the series is as such:

1. AC 3
2. AC
3. AC 2
4. Black Flag
5. Brotherhood
6. Syndicate
7. Revelations
8. Rogue
9. Liberation
10. Unity
