What kind of health care?

The episode with Joe where he tells the story of his his mom died and basically stopped breathing on the couch? She had cancer and they never took her to a doctor? This is truly messed up. These people are incredibly stupid. They told him the blood she was throwing up was the cancer coming out of her body? Wow. Beyond ignorant. On top of the pedophelia and brain washing - these people are truly evil and to cover it up with religion is doubly evil.


I wish the state would do more - certainly if children aren't getting care it's neglect. I do wonder how they knew she had cancer if she didn't see a doctor. It's a very abusive system.



She did go to the doctor. The doctor said there wasn't much he could do and gave her 4 months to live. She went on a special diet and ended up living 11 months, almost 3 times longer than the doctor predicted.
