MovieChat Forums > F Is for Family (2015) Discussion > This show is kind of anti PC, and that's...

This show is kind of anti PC, and that's good. Felt like a good sitcom.

I only noticed one hint of PC liberal bs. When the dad caved on letting his daughter dress as a male Halloween character. It felt like a flash back to that garbage Everybody Loves Raymond episode when the boys dressed a fairies ffs.


I'm not super conservative, but I would say I'm about 85% conservative. But yeah, I'm sick of the PC stuff going on in the world. Did ya see that guy''s thread? His name was Statue something or other. Talking about how the show was horrible. Check it out for a great laugh at the typical, liberal type of dough we are now catering the world with.


Loved the show, and I have about 6 billion+1 complaints I can make about the PC-ification of the culture we live in, but I didn't realllly see anything particularly attacking that here. It definitely doesn't go out of it's way to be PC or anything, because it's Bill Burr and why the hell would he do that, but it's just totally honest and straightforward in what it wants to do.

On the other hand, the new season of South Park has spent each episode specifically meditating on the current nature of PC/outrage culture and it's hypocrisies.

Also, one thing that bothers me a bit is that I have a strong feeling a decent percentage of people who rant against PC culture are just pissed that they're not allowed to be racist/bigoted anymore. It's one thing to laugh at the fact you're not allowed to call Caitlin Jenner anything other than a stunning hero whose wings flap against the winds of intolerance like a beautiful butterfly, but if your response to Donald Trump's Mexican/Muslim rhetoric is "dam right it's about time we get a politician isn't scared of not being PC," you're probably just a racist. It doesn't seem like you folks fall under that umbrella, but when I hear people conflating overly PC sentiments with overall liberal ideas, it just makes me cringe a bit.

One reason the new season of SP is so fantastic is that it sheds light on the hypocrisies and pitfalls of the PC/outrage culture, but doesn't trivialize issues like racism or gender identity, which is a tightrope walk that in and of itself deserves endless commendation.


Live and learn. At least we lived.


Here's the thing, being PC has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative. Problem is, liberal types have pretty much cornered the market (at least to me) on being douchey about needing to be PC. Here's an example:

Should I EVER, for ANY reason laugh and/or ridicule someone that's transgender for being transgender? Hell no.

Should I be able to laugh at something stupid a person who HAPPENS TO BE transgender does? Of course.

If a transgender is a jerk, should I be able to call him a jerk? Of course.

But the current climate makes people that were traditionally targeted for ridicule immune from any type of insult, joke, judgment or even valid criticism. I'm a minority, Cuban to be specific. I consider myself white, considering my heritage and the like, but I've never been accepted as such. I've been victim to a LOT of racism. And you know what? I really don't care. I think everyone has gotten their share of the prejudice and hatred (not necessarily a fair share, but that's not the fault of anyone) I think jokes that are based on racism, stereotypes and prejudice are hilarious. Mostly because of the sensitive types getting so tight over it.

Just seems like the easily offended and PC types aren't living in the real world, like they've lived in this fake, protected, privileged bubble of a world and expect the rest of the world to identify with their perceptions. Comedy is a form of healing, it's therapeutic to laugh about your suffering, it's been proven.

The problem (as far as I see) is that labels make people uneasy and makes it child's play to laugh at them. As I said, I'm a conservative, but I'm not blind. They do/say some stupid things, but as a whole, they're much less laughable than the liberals. The liberals seem to have lost the plot, living in a world that might exist in a Norman Rockwell painting.


I think there should be another example in your line of thought, when you say "If a transgender is a jerk, should I be able to call him a jerk?", you should also ask yourself "Would I care to talk about this act of jerkness if this person wasn't a transgender?", because sometimes you still can use being called out when you only care to denounce the behaviors of black people, women, or LGBT people.

I'm sorry you had a hard time being targeted as a Latin person, but it's okay if some people, along with coping with being targeted themselves (not much choice), also are vocal against those behaviors.


whiney repugs *beep*


Thank you for bringing your bs politics to this forum.


Agreed. I know I like to get my political info from an IMDB board.

I'm neither liberal or conservative (I think they both have good and bad policies and I go a la carte on that), but I do think it's funny that conservatives thinking caring about people ("bleeding heart liberal") is somehow an insult.


You have it all wrong. Bleeding heart liberals support policies that may appear to "care about people" on the surface but go on to cause more harm than good overall.

Basically, a bleeding heart liberal is a low-information voter that may mean well but ends up voting for flawed policies that screw things up.

Welfare is a great example. For every dollar a poor family receives, it costs the tax payer 2 dollars and it incentivizes the welfare recipient either *not* to work or to work fewer hours so they can maximize their welfare benefits.

This harms not only the tax payer but the welfare recipient by crippling their economic value. They develop no skills whatsoever because it's more profitable for them to not work.

Anybody who knows the facts and actually does care about the good of the people will strongly oppose bleeding heart liberal policies because they usually harm everybody involved.

But it was never about helping anybody in the first place was it? It's just patting yourselves on the back and making you feel like you're better than the sub-human, conservative scum.


Seems to be what most posts on this site are about.


It's funny you say that, because just in the first episode there's like two instances where the humor comes from how gross and racist/sexist some TV show hosts (allegedly) were in the 70's, and that's a jab at how insensitive the lack of PC is?

(although I can see other people rather laughing at how "someone is finally saying these things to the blacks and the feminists!").


Yeah, clearly that and the joke about "orientals" having small hands flew over this guy's head.


I didn't really see that as pc bs, I think that it was solely because he wanted to let his little girl have this one small victory so she'd be happy.


Basically it strongly reflects Bill Burr's personality. He's just a regular guy. He's not a pretentious *beep* who claims to be tolerant but tolerates no other opinions.

Pretty damn funny show. I agree with the OP - it's very refreshing to see a show that's not replete with PC propaganda.


Completely agree. I love this show already halfway through the 2nd episode lol. While the show is clearly anti PC, I didn't see it as such till I read this

Just goes to show how anti PC I am as well. This show is simply *beep* hilarious. More please lol


I am tired of right wing people assuming all liberals are the super PC *beep* types... I'm as liberal as one can get (I'd go as far to say that I'm a socialist) and I think the world has gotten way too PC - That being said, there are way too many people who are "anti-PC" which is an excuse to simply be racist. How can a father loving his daughter and accepting her choice be PC *beep* The show isn't saying the father can't say she's nuts for making that choice (in fact I think he does in episode 6), it's simply saying he loves her anyway, as a good father should.

My theory about PC *beep* is that you can make fun of someone for WHO they are (an *beep* a hipster etc.) but not WHAT they are (Black, Gay etc.)...

Do people go overboard and say you can't use words like Chick, or Midget, definetely, but there are words you can't say, like the N-word, or Fagg*ot, or Retard (Though I admit I am guilty of this sometimes) etc. That's not being overly sensitive, it's just being a decent human being... I think that's the whole point of the comedy in this show, They tell the story as it was in the 70's, these people weren't racists or bigots, they were simply misinformed... I use the scene where Frank is afraid of the black guy in the inner city as an example, he's obviously not a racist (he has a good friend who is black) he is simply ignorant to the fact that not everyone who lives in poverty is a criminal... He is guilty of stereotyping, not racism...

Just like anything, people go too far with things, and the PC movement has done just that... However, I think there are enough people out there who aren't complete tools, who see the difference in a joke and a racist/homephobic statement, but that in no way allows people to hate people for being different.


I'm pretty liberal and I think the world has gotten too PC.


Yeah, and I think it should be said that Burr himself just said on this weeks Monday Podcast that he considers himself a liberal... Going too far with the PC-ness isn't a liberal thing, it's a douch*bag thing... Even Jerry Seinfeld had people get mad at him last year over a joke about waving your hand like a gay king or something like that... Jerry Seinfeld! he's about as vanilla as you get...
