MovieChat Forums > Julieta (2016) Discussion > Was anyone else expecting / ¿Alguien más...

Was anyone else expecting / ¿Alguien más estaba esperando...

... that most of the main characters would die at the end? I thought that because JULIETA reads a book about Greek tragedies in the train. When a character in a movie reads a book, it usually foreshadows the ending.

... que la mayoría de los personajes principales moriría al final? Pensé eso porque JULIETA lee un libro sobre tragedias griegas en el tren. Cuando un personaje en una película lee un libro, eso usualmente presagia el final.


Not really, but it would've made a better ending imo.


So if the main character dies in a head-on collision, and, in the final scene, we see her daughter mourning over the flames, that's a better ending? Give me a break. That is hack to the Nth degree.


I didn't quite clock the author of the book but I assume she was reading the script for Mike Leigh's play Greek Tragedy.


She was reading "La Tragedia Griega" (Greek Tragedy)by Albin Lesky.


The movie is lame. One of the worst Almodovar films in my opinion.

I wasn't expecting anything, but it was dull. And the ending... made it all a waste of time.


I really don't mean to antagonize you. I understand that you might feel that the film is dull. But I never watch a film and then feel that the ending ruins it. What are some other films that you feel are ruined by their endings? (question is open to all)


Sorry, I wasn't clear.

I meant that I was bored to death watching the whole movie, expecting something to happen or to give sense to it all. That never happened.

So that, in my opinion, the ending didn't ruin the movie: the movie was dull from beginning to end.


Thanks for your reply. This movie *certainly* wasn't saved by the ending. Nobody would argue about that.

Personally I LOVED, loved, the movie because I was so caught up in the suspense of what would happen between the mom and her daughter. To me, it's comparable to Gone Girl in that you're so caught up between the insane tension between the two main characters, and then it ends on a note that only partially resolves that conflict.

Can I ask, what is your favorite Almodovar film? To me, most of his films are amazing, so amazing, but a little dry. This one was really interesting to me.


I love "Gone Girl", but there's no way these two films can be compared to each other.

Not a fan of Almodovar, but I really enjoyed "La mala educación" (Bad Education). I think that one is my favourite one because I wasn't expecting the twist of the plot/characters. But didn't enjoy his other films, to be honest.


haha, the bad education is my least favorite almodovar.


Least favourite Almodovar movie for everybody except me. LOL

But I found it interesting, maybe because it's the one where male characters are the leads instead of women. I don't know. I really liked it.
