chap chap ...

Yes, everything is filmed with great beauty, the motives of the story all correspondending, characters are coherent ...

But still: the whole film seems to have a feeling of a a puzzle whose pieces do not connect well. The sequences and even the scenes are like "one after the other", " now see this, now that".

Everything is very charged with high emotion, people are very driven by something that is not told. Everything feels blown up. It becomes a drama with single pieces soaked with a deepness that does not have a connecting line ... Again, I am not refering to the narrative, it is all there, but doesn't transport the context the film.

Maybe this is intended? Who am I to have an opinion on that ... But to me all the tragic of the depicted drama feels separated and therefore becomes cold. It is presented like a piece of shadow drama. Yes, the more I think about about it I believe it was a choice to make it like that. And it is very accomplished it its way: All this tragedy coming out of nothing; maybe it is a good depiction of what life as such it is ... Everything happens out of sudden. And we should not expect films to be more coherent than that ... But then again, what chokes with that angle is the great beauty of the filming, the wardrobe and the music. May all this is intended ... Then I'd apologize for "not getting it".

Anyway: en castellano one would describe it as: "rebuscado", or even worse: "pesado", everything seem to big (and for no reason) ... something I always liked that in Almodóvars film because it pointed to something different. But here it becomes way to manneristic
